Chapter Forty-three

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"Why didn't you let me go with Rory?" Cherry asks the Doctor, her fingers wrapped around the sleeve of his jacket as he drops a tupperware box of food onto a plate

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"Why didn't you let me go with Rory?" Cherry asks the Doctor, her fingers wrapped around the sleeve of his jacket as he drops a tupperware box of food onto a plate. He pauses, a frown gracing his face, and then he turns to look her in the eyes.

"I need you with me," he whispers, eyes boring into hers. Then he glances over at the group of workers huddled around the table, joined by Amy, to make sure they are not listening. "I need to make sure you're okay."

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm fine," Cherry laughs, nervously, and he sends her a tight-lipped smile.

"Good," he replies and then puts the plate into the microwave.

"We need to protect ourselves," Jimmy says in a gruff voice, leaning on the table.

"Are you a violent man, Jimmy?" the Doctor queries, slamming the microwave door shut.

"No," Jimmy shakes his head, and the Doctor raises his eyebrows.

"Then why would the other Jimmy be?" The Time Lord raises the question, and he receives no answer.

"Don't tell me you can eat at a time like this, Doctor," Cleaves sends the Doctor a look of disgust, joining him and Cherry by the microwave.

"You told me we were out cold for a few minutes, Cleaves," the Doctor reminds her, leaning casually against the microwave. "When, in fact, it was an hour."

"Sorry. I just assumed-"

"Well, it's not your fault. Like I said, they're disoriented," the Doctor cuts the woman off midway through her reply.  Cherry catches onto what the Doctor is suggesting before any of the others do, and she sends Cleaves a weary glance. If this woman is a Ganger, where is the real Cleaves? Is she okay? How will Ganger-Cleaves react when they out her as flesh?. "Amy, when you got to the alcoves, who was in harness?"

"Jimmy and Dicken were helping Buzzer out," Amy tells him.

"Jennifer?" the Doctor presses.

"She was standing on her own when we got to her," Amy says. The microwave pings, and the Doctor uses a tea towel to take out the plate. He passes it to Ganger-Cleaves, and she takes it in her bare hands, staring down at it blankly. The Doctor watches her closely, ringing the tea-towel in his hands.

"It's hot," he says to her, and she lets out a pained cry and drops the burning hot plate to the floor. It smashes into pieces, and she stares down at her hand and the plate with furrowed eyebrows.

"Trans-matter's still a little rubbery. Nerve endings not quite fused properly," the Doctor explains why Ganger-Cleaves did not feel how warm the plate was straight away.

"What are you talking about?" Ganger-Cleaves snaps at him, pulling away when he tries to inspect her hand. He holds his hands out innocently and speaks to her in a reassuring voice.

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