Chapter Four

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The head of the smiling robot in its booth begins to spin, juddering as it reveals a new face attached to the back of it

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The head of the smiling robot in its booth begins to spin, juddering as it reveals a new face attached to the back of it. The new face isn't smiling, it's scowling at Cherry with burning red eyes and sharp teeth exposed through its frown. Cherry backs away from it, pressing her back flat against the door and screaming.

"Doctor! Amy?" She shouts, banging her fist on the door without taking her eyes off the scowling robot. "Someone help me!"

"Charlotte?" She hears a man cry for her on the other side of the door and she's momentarily relieved. It's the Doctor. "Charlotte? Are you okay? What's happening?"

"Help! Get me out of here, please!" She screams through the metal door. She hears the whirring of the sonic screwdriver on the other side of the door and tries to force it open with her body. "I pressed protest! And there is one of those smiler things, but it's not smiling it's angry and it's got bright red eyes!"

The floor beneath her feet shudders and then starts to split in two, steadily disappearing into the walls and revealing a deep, burning orange hole underneath it.

"Oh my God, help me!"

"Charlotte?" The Doctor bangs his hand against the door.

The floor disappears entirely, and Cherry shrieks as she falls into the glowing abyss beneath her. She screws her eyes shut, still screaming in terror as she prepares to hit the ground and lose her life, but the surface she lands on is soft and squishy, and while she twists her wrist when she lands, she survives. She takes a deep breath to calm herself down and instantly regrets it. She has to try and suppress the vomit rising in her stomach from the vile smell, and she struggles to stand up on the uneven floor. She's covered in some sort of rotten slime and decaying chunks of waste from God knows what. She chooses not to think about it.

She stumbles around, trying to make out her surroundings, but she cannot see much other than a few lights from an array of tubes above her. They're much too high up for her to even touch though, let alone try to climb back up, so she walks forward to try and find a way to escape. As she moves, the floor beneath her vibrates, and a strange guttural groan echoes through what Cherry believes is a cave.

"This is the worst day of my life!" she shouts into the darkness. "This is actually vile! I should've stayed in bed!"

The floor shakes again, and she loses her footing and falls forward. The rancid liquid splashes up into her face, and she retches, throwing up last night's dinner.

"If this is how I die," she breathes out, shaking her arms to try and throw off some of the muck. "I'll be so fu-"

A loud voice rings through the cave, coming from one of the chutes above her head and she scoffs at it. She realises immediately that it is the Doctor, and he is not screaming like she had when she fell. In fact, he seems to be rather enjoying it and his cry of joy echoes through the cave. Cherry assumes he'll be less amused when he lands in the cave full of rotting waste with no visible exit.

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