Chapter Thirty-four

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A/n: just... be prepared.

Two months. It's been two months since Amy and Rory's wedding. Two months since Cherry and the Doctor spent their first night together. Two months where Cherry hadn't had her period once. That, accompanied by strange nausea, which she has successfully hidden from the Doctor, and terrible tiredness, is what instils fear into Cherry's chest. Her mind spirals as she sits on the floor of her bathroom, chin resting on her knees as she tries to fight off yet another bout of vomiting. She can't be pregnant. She can't be. It's not possible.

Had they really been so careless? How did she let this happen? How did the Doctor let this happen?

If she is pregnant, does that mean the baby is half-alien? Half Time-Lord? Will the pregnancy be strange because it is half alien? She's read Breaking Dawn. She knows what happens to the women who fall pregnant with monsters and aliens and it's not at all desirable.

The Doctor will be horrified. She can imagine it now. The look on his face, the fear in his eyes if she tells him. She can't tell him. Not yet. Not when she doesn't know for certain. Dating her was one thing, having a child with her is another ballpark entirely.

What will he do if he finds out? If she is pregnant, will he kick her out? Will he make her get rid of it? Would he leave her? Surely he wouldn't. But he certainly won't be happy either. She knows that. She doesn't expect him to settle down either. She knows that would be utterly disastrous. One day in Upper Leadworth was torturous to him.

Would she even want a baby? She's always wanted a baby, but so soon? She's only twenty-two! Oh god, what a mess this will be.

Holy fu-

"Charlotte, are you okay in there?" The Doctor bangs his fist on the door, snapping her out of her thoughts. "You're taking forever and I wanted to take you on a trip to Apalapucia!"

"I'm fine," Cherry calls back, keeping her voice as steady as she can. "I'll be out in a second."

"You'll love Apalapucia," he carries on talking through the door as she washes her hands and brushes her teeth. "It was voted Number 2 in the Top Ten Destinations for The Discerning Space Traveller. Wonderful art gallery too, apparently."

She runs her shaking hands through her hair and then leans against the sink for a moment, taking deep breaths to try to calm herself. Then, she plasters her most convincing smile on her face as she opens the door and finds the Doctor waiting rather impatiently outside.

"Doctor," she says softly, and his face falls. He can tell something is wrong by her tone straight away. "That sounds great, but do you think we could take a rain check?"

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