School Reunion

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The morning sunlight woke Cole up from his sleep. He cracked his eyes open and shielded the light from his eyes. He sat up and yawned and smiled as the sun shone warmly on his face. He got off his bed and stretched out letting his back pop in multiple places. Cole flopped his arms down with a sharp exhale. He popped his slippers on and was about to open his bedroom door to head to the kitchen in breakfast.

Jay slammed the door open and as a result wacked Cole's head in the process. "ARGH! JAY!" Cole yelled as he rubbed his head. He opened the door fully and saw Jay's shocked expression on his face.

"Sorry! I just wanted to wake you up..."

"Okay, but slamming the door open is a bit excessive," Cole grumbled as he shuffled out of his bedroom. He stopped in his tracks and turned to Jay who was holding a white envelope, the top ripped off and a letter sticking out. "What's that?" Cole asked despite knowing the answer.

"Well, I found this in the plastics bin, where it DOESN'T belong and couldn't help but notice your name on it." Jay cleared his throat. "Dear Cole-" Cole attempted to snatch the letter from Jay who swiftly dodged and continued reading. "You have been invited to Ninjago's Performing Arts School by your fellow classmates from 8th grade!"

"Jay, cut it out!" Cole tried snatching the letter again but missed and left Jay giggling at his miserable attempt.

"We are hoping to see you there after an entire ten years since the end of middle school, there will be some activities, catching up and hopefully nostalgia from your time there!"

"More like nightmares..." Cole muttered as he stood face-to-face with Jay.

"See you there at 1pm, From Ninjago's Performing Arts School 2014! Cole, why did you throw it away? It'll be fun!"

Cole laughed sarcastically. "Ha, ha, hell no," he finished with a straight face, glaring into Jay's bright blue eyes. He stepped closer, snatched the letter and crumpled it into a ball. He went to the kitchen and threw the paper ball into the recycling bin before heading to the dining room where everyone was already eating their breakfast.

"So, are you going?" Nya asked Cole.

"No. Why would I?"

"...Because you get to see your old classmates?"

Cole sighed through his nose and started eating.

"Come on... It can't be that bad, can it?" Kai asks.

"Yeah, like, I'd love to see my classmates again," Lloyd stated.

"Guys, I'm not going. I've decided and nothings gonna make me change-"

"What if someone comes with you?" Zane suggested. Cole thought for a moment. Maybe if he came with someone he won't be humiliated as much...

"Okay. Fine. If that's what it takes for you guys to shut up about it..." Cole mumbled.

Everyone's gaze shot straight to Jay. Jay paused and looked up. He swallowed his food, "What?"

"You were the one who was so keen for Cole to go, you might as well go with him," Nya said.

- time skip - 

"Well, here it is," Cole sighed as him and Jay stood in front of his school. It was decorated with balloons and a banner 'Welcome Back Class of 2014' just outside the entrance. There was a small stool with a sign-up sheet. 

"Hey, hey, hey!" the woman at the stool greeted. "So, tick your name next to your name and I'll give you this badge!"

Cole reluctantly signed this sheet and was given a small pin badge which he attached to his jumper. He headed inside and Jay followed.

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