Lily's Backstory

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If you didn't read my previous fanfiction, Lily is my character that I made. No, it's not Lilly, Cole's mum. She is Emily and Morro's sister. She is also Cole's yang and has a son, Caleb. Her backstory is briefly explained in the fanfic but I feel like not enough was said so yeah... dw I will make more oneshots that aren't based on my fanfic. This is written in the perspective of Lily but after she met the ninja. Enjoy :)

Eleven-year-old Morro knelt down to seven-year-old me and gave me his teddy bear. He hugged us goodbye before leaving to a "boarding school" for FSM knows how long...

We lived close to the mountains of impossible heights where the monastery was. No-one was really allowed to go there since it was a 'sacred' place.

He came back to visit every three months and every time he left again, I would count down to the next time I see him. Every time he came back with a new scar and he would tell me of his crazy stories about how he was doing martial arts training in his "school."

After the first six months, he came back for his birthday. He was so excited to tell all those stories and legends about Ninjago. My parents laughed at his childish nature while I sat and listened. "Long before time had a name, the first spinjitzu master created the realm of Ninjago..." and so on and so on... I was excited to see him every time yet every time he came back, he seemed more distant and more occupied with the training and those legends about some ninja. Every time he came back, I was hoping to spend time with him and play games like we used to...

Every time he came back, I grew more and more disappointed about how he was brainwashed into that ninja stuff.

It frustrated me.

One day, he scared me with his unusual behaviour. It was his fourth time visiting us - a year. He came with a frown on his face. My younger sister - Emily - was born that day and my mum just came back home. My parent's let eight-year-old me hold her. She opened her bright blue eyes and smiled. Now thirteen-year-old Morro was excited to see his baby sister. I was glad to see him smile as he glared into Emily's ocean eyes. My mum showed him my new pendant (which was hers before) that unfolded like a flower, each petal containing a picture of us. His smile quickly faded as soon as he walked out the door to go back to his "school."

My auntie Maya came to stay overnight to see baby Em. The day after we had someone knock at the door. I watched my mum open the door from the living room. An older man with blonde hair and a goatee was behind the door. "Wu?" Maya said. After a few unclear words, I heard:

"I'm so sorry that you have to find out this way... but your son, Morro... he perished."

I will never forget the horror in my mum's eyes when she heard the news. I, as an eight year old, didn't understand the word "perish" but when my dad rushed over to stop her from collapsing in despair, I too soon learned to cry to the news.

My older brother was dead.

I cried myself to sleep that evening, knowing that I never got to properly say goodbye due to his obsession. I knew that the guy must've had something to do with it.

I woke up and noticed a shadow in the window brush past a few branches of a nearby tree. I fell back asleep but woke up a few minutes later to a horrible smell.

A burning smell. I quickly realised that I was surrounded by thick black smoke. I grabbed Morro's teddy bear and my mother's necklace with the flow pendant and ran out of the room. I found myself in front of my parent's room. They were trapped in the burning room. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Lily, go downstairs and run as far away as possible!" My father yelled.

Maya was running upstairs. "GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!"

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