How Cole and Lily Met

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I woke up and got changed into my work clothes as a children's therapist. I decided to walk to work as I usually do. I only take the bus if it's raining or something like that. At this time most of the roads in the city are empty so walking in the morning is a nice little thing that helps me prepare for the day.

I walked into Chen's noodle house this morning. I usually go there if I'm short on time and don't end up eating breakfast at home. I walk in and the blonde girl at the till usually has my order ready for takeaway since I come here quite often. She's here all the time so I assumed she's the manager but apparently its some red head. Never saw the manager in that case.

I left Chen's noodle house, stuffing my face with some 'breakfast noodles' - I never knew that was a thing until I started walking to work. I finished the noodles pretty quickly and threw the pot in the bin and was about to cross the main road. Since it's quite early still, it's not so busy. 

I looked left and right; empty road so I decide to cross. 

Just as I was halfway through crossing the road when this moron decides to speed down the road, therefore almost running me the fuck over. I screamed and kinda out my arms out and shut my eyes, bracing for impact. I hear tires screech into a halt. I open my eyes and as anyone would, I yelled at the moron.

"What the fuck mate??" I have a British accent don't judge me. "This is a fucking 30 you twat you're going like twice that speed!"

The guy got out of the car and started shouted back, "That's why you look both ways!"

"That's why you obey the fucking law!" Eventually we made this huge scene in the middle of the road but lucky for me, only a handful of people are up and about this early in the morning. Anyway, I heard footsteps behind me and I glanced back to see some dude with the breakfast noodle pot. I looked back at the guy I was arguing with and I clenched my fist because he was pissing me off.

"Woah, woah, guys, maybe we could-" THWAK!

I threw the punch. I heard a thud followed by a sound of-

A pot?

Oh shit.

I hit the wrong guy.

"Well, this isn't my problem anymore..." The jerk said raising his arms while getting back in his car. 

"Wait! Don't fucking leave me you-" aaand he's off. Great. Now I'm alone with a bleeding guy who was just trying to enjoy his morning with a breakfast noodle pot. 

"Ughh..." I groaned. I dragged the guy onto the pavement and threw his empty pot in the bin. I moved his black hair out of the way to see if I injured him a lot and damn...

I didn't even know I can punch that hard. I guess anger got the better of me. 


"Right, ambulance," I muttered to myself. I dialled the ambulance and waited for the call to transfer. 

"Ninjago Ambulance Service, what's you're emergency?"

"I- uh... This guy is bleeding out of his head..."

"Is he dead?"

"I don't think so."

"Did you check his pulse?" I knelt down to the guy who was lying on the pavement and moved his thick black hair out of the way so that I could place to fingers on his neck to check his pulse.

"His pulse is there... He's breathing... He's alive..."

"Okay, we're on our way." She hung up. I sighed and sat on the kerb. This random dude walked past and gave me a confused look so I just returned a short nod and looked at the bleeding man. He was wearing dark blue jeans and a black hoodie with an orange t-shirt underneath. He wore black converse to top the outfit off.

I checked the time and realised that I was late to work. "Shit..." I called my work and told them that I'm gonna be either late or not end up coming to work at all. That's when the ambulance arrived. I stood up and they took the guy in. 

I was about to head to work when the girl asked, "Are you the one who made the call?"


"You have to come with us."

Great. I'm calling off work in that case. I did so as we pulled up to the hospital. They took the guy to a hospital room to get stitches for his wound while I was sent to fill out some paperwork. 

Name of witness:

Lily Windon

Who are you to this patient?

A stranger.

What happened at the scene of injury?

I accidentally punched this guy while he was trying to break me and this guy-who-almost-run-me-over apart.

Date and Time of incidence...

Etcetera, etcetera...

I had to wait until that guy could leave before I was able to. After an hour or so, the guy left the hospital room.

Thank the FSM (First Spinjitzu Master for those who don't know)

Nevermind I had to stay for a bit longer. We were led to some room for some sort of interrogation? Anyway it was really long. 

"So, Cole Brookstone, Lily Windon, what happened at the scene?"

"I already wrote what happened," I stated, desperate to get the heck out of here. 

" 'I accidentally punched this guy while he was trying to break me and this guy-who-almost-run-me-over apart' isn't specific enough." Cole snickered at that statement. I glared at him and rolled my eyes.

I sighed through my nose and clicked my tongue. "This guy was going twice the speed he was supposed to and almost ran me over, so we broke into a massive argument in the middle of the road."

"Ohhh, so THAT'S what you were arguing about," Cole said. He had a slightly raspy voice but it was a soft raspy voice...

"Why did you want to punch the guy?"

I sighed. It's pretty fucking obvious. "He frustrated me because he wouldn't admit the fact that he almost ran me over. He also kept blaming me for that as well!"

"...So I just left Chen's noodle house and see an argument going on, so I decided to try and calm the situation down but I didn't even have the chance to finish my sentence because I literally rushed in as she was throwing the punch. This injury," he said, pointing at his stitches, "was my fault."

We were dismissed. We were heading out of the hospital and I decided to apologise to Cole since I made his head bleed.

"I'm sorry for punching you in the head... and making it bleed."

"It's fine," he chuckled, "I'm sorry you had to drag me onto the pavement. I don't usually go unconscious like that but that was one hell of a punch!" He joked. I smiled. Cole walked away and waved, "See ya, try not to get run over!"

"Try not to get punched in the head!" We laughed and went our separate ways.

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