What if PIXAL followed Zane into the Never-Realm? - 2

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The recording ends in static.

"Zane..." PIXAL whispers. "I love you too, and I will get you out of the hands of the Ice Emperor."

PIXAL worked on the mech for most of the night while Red fell a sleep despite the noise Pix was making. She managed to fix the mech's processor but needed to reboot the system. She decided to leave that until the morning and decided to rest for the rest of the night.

Pix woke up and yawned. She was startled by the view of a girl who was peacefully sleeping by the power box and a lamp. She had three red stripes on each cheek. The girl wore white and red robes with brown boots and a wolf hat. She also had a long white cape which split to four, resembling tails with red tips. She yawned as she sat up. Pix watched curiously.

"Who are you? What happened to red?"

The girl was startled by those questions and stood up, wincing quietly as she stood on her left leg which had a bandage on it.

"That's the bandage I put on Red. Wait, you're Red?"

"I can explain!"

"You're a wolf- I mean, a girl?"

"I am Akita, a formling. I didn't know if you could be trusted. I had to keep my identity a secret..."

PIXAL raised an eyebrow. "It's interesting that you say that, considering that you're the one who can't be trusted. You lied to me, Akita. I don't normally get angry, but this really boiled my nerve circuits."

"For all I know, you could be a spy for the Ice Emperor. He already imprisoned my brother, he could be hunting for other formlings."

"Maybe he imprisoned your brother because he's as much of a liar as you are. Or worse."

Akita growled, "Are you calling me a liar?"

PIXAL raised an eyebrow. "Yes I did."

"Take it back..."

"No, you lied which makes you a liar. At least I'm honest about it." PIXAL snatched the lamp from beside Akita and walked off to finish working on the mech. Akita was about to follow her but stepped on her bad leg and yelped in pain. 

"Could you be a bit quieter? I'm trying to concentrate."

"I'm sorry that my leg is injured!"

"Then don't walk on it. Simple." Pix finished up rebooting the mech. She grabbed the scroll and hopped in. She powered the mech up and headed out of the cave. Akita followed close behind. Pix looked down and saw her. "What are you doing?"

"Coming with you. I want to get rid of the Ice Emperor and free Kataru, my brother."

"The last time I trusted a 'revenge-seeker', it turned out that she was a liar and a murderer who wanted to resurrect one of the greatest villains in Ninjago's history. I'm going alone."

"You won't make it alone," Akita ran in front of the mech and stopped. "The Ice Emperor is too powerful."

"And what are you planning to do? Fetch his slippers? You might get lucky and he's allergic to pets." Pix rolled her eyes and continued walking. She didn't usually act this way, but after the whole Harumi situation, she doesn't trust honest people. 

"And what are you going to do? Give him a papercut?" She asked, pointing at the Forbidden Scroll of Spinjitzu. 

"I'm not planning to face the Emperor. My job is to find Zane and leave. I'd rather not risk my life to a mass murderer. I'm smarter than that. Now, if you don't mind, I'd rather walk alone." Pix continued her journey. 

"I actually do mind. You can't get rid of me. We have the same destination."

"Fine, but if you pull off anything stupid, this scroll can do more than a papercut." PIXAL took her mechanical hand out and let Akita sit on the hand before heading towards the palace. They stopped at a mountain with a perfect of the palace. PIXAL got out of the mech and looked at Akita. "How do you plan on saving your brother?"

"I want to save this realm. I want to stop the Emperor from attacking anyone else. He killed so many already. My brother isn't the only one locked up."

"Okay. We have to get closer though." They got onto the mech and continued towards the palace. They were at a safe distance.

Nevermind, a huge ice dragon swooped down and attacked them. It breathed out an icy wind which caused the mech to fail and break down. Akita ran away just in time but PIXAL was stuck in the mech and was unconscious. (idk if that's even possible but i guess so)

Pix was found by two Blizzard Samurai Guards. One grabbed the scroll in one hand and used his other hand to grab PIXAL's arm. The other guard grabbed PIXAL's other arm. Akita watched from afar as they dragged Pix through the front gates of the palace.

Pix gained consciousness and quickly realised that she was restrained by two guards. She pushed her legs from the ground and jumped, causing the guards to let go, and kicked them in the face. She landed on one knee and one hand met the ground while the other hand caught the scroll which was fell as a result of one of the guards being knocked out. 

She stood up and saw the flight of stairs which led to the Ice Emperor, who just watched Pix get rid of two of her guards. General Vex was about to step towards Pix when the Ice Emperor stopped him as he got off his throne. He slowly walked towards her, with a staff frozen to his hand. Pix stood her ground as the Ice Emperor stopped inches away from her.

"I've never seen anyone like her," he bellowed. "Clever, skilled..."

Pix scanned the staff he was holding in his right hand. According to my database, that's the first forbidden scroll of  Spinjitzu. How did he get his hands on it? He must've took it from Zane.

The Ice Emperor used his left hand to force her to drift her gaze away from the staff. She found herself staring into his intimidating icy blue eyes.

"You're also ambitious. I can tell that you want this staff... you have one of your own though. With them both, we could rule this realm together." General Vex was about to argue against the idea when the Ice Emperor turned to him and exchanged a threatening glare. He turned back to Pix and Vex used this opportunity to attack him from behind, causing the helmet to swing right off.

PIXAL gasped as she saw the Ice Emperor's true face.


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