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Me and Cole have been meeting for morning walks and hang outs for a year now. We started to get to know each other and everything. Then we weren't in contact because of that whole flood thing...

Rather than going on a walk today, we decided to chill in the park instead in the evening. He wore a black gingham (its that weird square pattern no-one knows the name of) shirt and dark jeans to go with it while I wore a dark green sweater with a black skirt.

Cole is so sweet and handsome and-

For one: that was random and Two: fuck I think I like him...

Is a year too early to admit it? Anyway we sat on a bench by a little pond and watched the ducks swim around. The sky turned into a pretty blue and violet ombre as the sun was diving into the other side of the world. I crossed my legs and I unconsciously leaned my head on his shoulder. My eyes widened in realisation but I decided not to pull away. I don't think he seemed to mind, though. 

He started feeling a bit warmer and I felt his pulse increase slightly. Did I make him uncomfortable...? That wasn't the best idea was it...

After a long time of sitting there rather frozen, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and leaned his head against mine, his hair brushing on my skin.

"This is cute," I said.

"Just like you..." I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't spit it out. Instead I just smiled and sighed. He put his head up and took his arm off me. I sat up and rotated so I faced him. He crossed his legs and did the same. I found myself staring into...


...her beautiful eyes. Is this the moment? Okay, this is it, I'm gonna say it.

"Lily... I think- no- scratch that-" I chuckled as I looked away slightly, scratching the back of my neck with my right hand, turning red like a tomato. "I really like you..."

Lily smiled, "I really like you too..."

"R-really? Would you... uh- like to be my... girlfriend?" I asked nervously as fuck.

"I'd love to..." she chuckled slightly. Gosh how I love that smile... We kinda sat there - lost in each other's gaze. We found each other leaning slightly closer to each other, inch after inch until eventually, our lips met.

Her lips tasted of berries and were as soft as cotton candy. Yes, I compare everything to food don't blame me-

Still kissing, Lily came to sit on my lap and she wrapped her legs around my waist and I put my hands on her hips. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and her hands rested comfortably on the back of my neck. Damn she's a good kisser- I licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She opened her mouth, giggling quietly, so I slipped my tongue in and explored her mouth. 

We broke apart for air and we sat there, our foreheads touching, breathing heavily, staring into each others eyes giggling like maniacs. I brushed my hands down her arms until my hands held hers. 

"I have something else I've been meaning to tell you, Lily..." 

"What is it?" 

I got off the bench and turned to her. "Do you promise that you'll accept me no matter who I am?"

"Are you an assassin?" she asked with a hint of concern.

"What? No. I'm not an assassin." I took a deep breath and did spinjitzu to show myself in a ninja outfit. I took the mask off, "I'm a ninja..."

"Woah. Like- one of the- you're the Earth ninja??"

I nodded. "How could you tell?"

"The colour scheme. Also you made some freakish ninja move that reminded me of the ground I guess?"

"Spinjitzu... yeah..." I chuckled. Lily came up to me and kissed my cheek.

"I love you for whoever you are..." she smiled. "You could be an assassin and I'd still love you."

"It's a shame that my dad couldn't do the same..."

She frowned slightly and mumbled. "At least you have a dad..."

"Shit, sorry I shouldn't have-"

"No, no! It's fine! I need to stop saying that. It was over ten years ago anyway... I'm over it."

I took her hand and we were heading home, "You never explained it. Do you wanna talk about it or...?"

"Well, over ten years ago... my older brother, Morro, perished... then a few days later there was a house fire where my mum, my dad and my baby sister died... my aunt and uncle disappeared without a trace and yeah... That's my luck."

"I'm so sorry... how old were you?"

"Eight." Lily stopped and let go of my hand. She put her hands over her face. I came over to her and hugged her tightly. I swayed gently side to side as she put her arms around me and buried her face in my chest, bursting into tears. I played with her hair and rubbed her back, trying to comfort her. 

"Should I not have asked?" I whispered. She pulled away, put her thin glasses on her head to wipe her tears. 

"No- I mean- Yeah- I mean-" She sighed and calmed down. "Thank you, I really needed to just... let it out... As a child no-one ever asked or like... let me talk about it or cry about it... That's why I became a children's therapist. To give kids something I never had."

"Aww, that's nice." I hugged her again and kissed her forehead. Lily took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. 

She nodded, "That felt good," she laughed.

I realised something. "Wait, what did you say your old brother's name was?"


"I know him..."

"He's dead you can't possibly-"

"I mean as a ghost. You don't have to believe me I have MANY unbelievable stories as a ninja. He kinda possessed the green ninja..."

"I wouldn't be surprised. He was obsessed. Speaking of ninja and powers and everything... I kinda... might have an elemental power myself..."

"Wait, really??" I asked, excitedly.

"Wind..." Lily spun her hand in circles, causing a pile of leaves to rise in a spiral motion. "Since we're confessing about everything I might as well show you my powers too, right?" Lily laughed. 

"Come on, I'll walk you home..." I took her hand and we skipped through the park and into the city...

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