Part 45 - Appeal (8)

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I have underestimated Mrs. Sharma. I thought she was an amateur, rookie lawyer who would be too emotionally involved in the case for her own good. But she is too good.
She didn't let me get the case dismissed and got Mrs. Shefali to bring up the kidnapping situation instead of herself. She knew that my only defense could be my twisting the matter to make Abhimanyu look as a tragic father whose son got kidnapped and the Sharmas as cruel and opportunist people who could use something as traumatising as kidnapping to get what they wanted.

Mr. Srivastav ran a hand through his hair, frustrated.
The Judge would ask details of the kidnapping matter today and next would be his personal examination of Mr. Sharma. This appeal is almost lost.
I don't believe that a step father can win sole custody, most likely Akshara will be chosen by the Judge. Either way, Abhimanyu has already lost sole custody and will lose any chance of joint custody after today. Still, he has not once consulted me on whether there is any possibility of being with his son. How strange! Shefali was right about this Abhimanyu.
His mother is the complete opposite. Over involved grandmother who keeps barging in my office at any time of the day. She thinks that I wouldn't come to know that she is searching for my replacement. A lawyer like me is bound to have contacts too which none of the egoistic Birlas can understand. Even the top most lawyer made an excuse of his poor health and rejected the case.

That's obvious, thought Mr. Srivastav, bitterly. Who would take a losing appeal against a rookie lawyer and if Mr. Sharma , by some miracle, does win the sole custody against the biological father, I will become a laughing stock in my field! First case in history where the custody went not to the biological mother or father but a stranger from a bus!
How much I have begged Manjari ji to settle the appeal out of Court with Mrs. and Mr. Sharma after Shefali's testimony! Rather, she became infuriated with me only! That I was responsible for mishandling the appeal and causing trauma to her son.. Her ego would never allow her to bend even a little in front of Akshara. Sigh! The appeal will end soon and an embarrassing loss is just around the corner for me.

Mr. Srivastav looked around to distract himself. The Birlas, as usual, hadn't arrived yet. They considered themselves royalty and wouldn't appear until just a few minutes before the Judge. Akshara wasn't there as well. Most likely, she was preparing for her case in the lawyers chamber. He saw no cause for any further preparation for himself. Abhinav was seated at his usual spot, calmly waiting for the appeal to begin.

I had misunderstood this guy to be a gold digger in the beginning. The one good thing, the only good thing about this defeat was that Abhir would get to live with Abhinav and Akshara. I have seen the love in their eyes and while I am used to seeing that unconditional love in a mother's eyes, Abhinav is truly expectional. His goodness is like an aura around him, intangible but somehow not invisible. I hope Abhir never forgets how lucky he is to have Mr. Abhinav Sharma in his life.
Mr. Srivastav had a rare smile on his face as one by one, everyone took their place in the Courtroom.

'Your Honour', started Akshara, 'last time my witness, Mrs. Shefali Parth Birla, had mentioned about the kidnapping of Abhir. You said that you would like to know more about it. With your permission, I would like to present my proofs and facts in this matter. Also, I humbly inform that this is the last point in my appeal of why Abhir's custody should be solely awarded to Mr. Abhinav Sharma'.
'Very well. You may proceed, Mrs. Sharma'.
'Thank You, Your Honour..'

'..At the very onset, I will say that Dr. Birla and Mrs. Manjari were genuine in their concern for Abhir's well being and left no stone unturned to ensure Abhir's safe return. What I want to prove here is that the kidnapping should have never happened in the first place as it wasn't a result of bad luck, it was a consequence of repeated negligence on the part of the Birlas especially Dr. Abhimanyu Birla.

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