Part - 10: Efforts (1)

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It was Sunday afternoon. Akshara sat at the window sill and the Goenkas had left her alone, giving her some space. Akshara knew that each one of them had been looking forward to Abhir coming here, she knew the extent of the sacrifice that Muskaan - Kairav had been willing to give to stay with Abhinav and miss Abhir's first weekend in Goenka House. Akshara's heart had broken again when Abhir had refused but to her surprise, yesterday hadn't been all dark.

'Nikkeji' hadn't completely erased Abhir's existence in Abhinav's mind. In fact, Abhinav had fought with 'Nikkeji' for his Abhir. Akshara felt a rare cool breeze softly messing her hair. The winds are changing, Akshara, the times are changing. Akshara thought over the events of the past days, the things the doctor had said and came up with a few ideas. She then discussed them with her family and they fine tuned the plans to help bring back the old Abhinav.

Monday Morning
'Abhinav! I have received a contract for a 1000 jam jars for a nearby school!', gushed Akshara, excited.
Abhinav face creased with worry, '1000 jam bottles! So much work! Why, Akshara?'.
'Sharma ji! Again, worry! I have started feeling jealous of this 'worry' which always stays near you. Either you leave her or I will leave from here'.
'Sorry ji', said Abhinav, tugging on his ears. 'Congratulations! Your jams can put all jam makers out of business!', said Abhinav, proudly. Akshara's eyes lit up with the heartfelt praise and belief that Abhinav kept in her.
'Listen, there are 2 kids - cousins - who have an allergy to pineapples, so I will have to make jams separately for them. Their school teacher had sent me a message. I have just applied nail polish, so I will call out the names and you write them in my work diary. Otherwise, I will forget all about it'.
'As you wish, Princess Akshara'.
'Queen Akshara', corrected Akshara, remembering Mimi's birthday.
Abhinav seemed to recollect that moment too. ' As you wish, Queen Akshara', he amended, happily.

Akshara kept her tone casual as she said,' First name - Ruhi Neil Birla'.
She saw Abhinav's hand hesitate as he scratched the words across. 'Ruhi Neil..Ruhi Neil..'.
Akshara prompted, 'Birla'.
'Ruhi, what a beautiful name!', said Abhinav, sounding slightly dazed.
Akshara called out again,'Ruhi Neil Birla'.
'', said Abhinav, slowly, as he jotted it down.
'Did you write it down properly? Ruhi Neil Birla?'.
'Yes, Queen. Ruhi Neil Birla. Who's the other girl - her cousin? See I was paying attention'.
'Really? Her cousin is a boy, not a girl', said Akshara, blowing on her nails.
Abhinav made a face at her. 'Wohi, wohi'.
Akshara bit back her smile. First Victory. 'What?', she asked innocently.
Abhinav seemed surprised,' I have heard that so many times. Somewhere.. Someone..very cute..Must be over the radio..'. Abhinav pinched the bridge of his nose and said, 'The boy's name?'.
'Abhir Abhimanyu Birla', said Akshara, clearly, her voice ringing in the living room.

The pen rolled out of Abhinav's grasp and down the table. Akshara observed Abhinav keenly, noting how heavily he was breathing. She glanced at the emergency medicines, which were out of his sight but in her hands reach. That comforted her and she continued, ' Abhinav, write down the name'.
'Yes', Abhinav bent and picked up the pen, '..err.. What was the name again?'.
'Abhir Abhimanyu Birla'.
'He doesn't have a pineapple allergy', said Abhinav, absent mindedly, shaking the pen which had stopped working after the fall.
Akshara breath stopped for an instant. Realising what was happening, she pressed on. 'Of course he does. He got it through his Papa - Abhimanyu'.
Abhinav snorted, still fidgeting with the pen. 'Dr. Birla is not his Papa. I am h..'. Abhinav kept the pen aside and looked at Akshara, frightened.
'Akshara.. I .. Nikkeji, I was searching for you, yaara! Come..'.
Akshara left the matter there. Abhinav had started acknowledging Abhir's presence, had started recollecting memories related to Abhir more and more frequently.
Small steps, Akshara, she reminded herself, never underestimate the power of small steps.
Akshara refused 'Nikkeji's' request of playing Ludo with Abhinav and him and watched as Abhinav walked away.

Tuesday Evening
Akshara set piping hot tea and pakodas in front of Abhinav, Badi Maa and sat opposite him, a cup in her hand as well. 'Akshara, where is this new mall where Muskaan and Kairav have taken Nikkeji to? We should have gone with them as well. Nikkeji can be a handful sometimes'.
'I too don't know the exact location. They were so excited to take Nikkeji to the mall's gaming zone that I didn't stop to ask questions. Stop fretting, Abhinav. Nikkeji's bumi and mama can take care of him for one evening'. If Abhinav didn't know the location, then Nikkeji won't know it as well. No unexpected returns by Nikkeji.

'I have an idea. Listen', said Akshara, managing to sound excited, 'We will open our Sharma Home for vacations for foreign tourists'.
'No!', responded Abhinav, instantly.
At the same time, Badi Maa asked, 'Why wouldn't foreign tourists live in hotels instead?'.
'Badi Maa, To experience Indian culture. At grassroot level. Plus, it's cheaper', said Akshara, ignoring Abhinav.
Badi Maa pretended to think the idea over.
'In fact, now I am realising - why only foreigners? So many of our fellow Indians can be tourists as well. The busy, big city people.. for relaxation..', Akshara paused, waiting for Abhinav's reaction.

Abhinav was catching his throat like he couldn't breathe easily, looking desperately at the door.
Sorry, my love, thought Akshara, no hallucination to protect you today.
' Doctors..'. Akshara noticed Abhinav's eyes snapping back towards her. She looked at Badi Maa as spoke,'..with their families. Doctors with their Moms and..'
'No! No!', said Abhinav, desperately, 'No, Akshara!'.
'Why not, Abhinav? You will be out of the house all day working, I will work on my cases in our room after office or make jams in the garden. The rest of the house is free. We will get more income this way'.
'Where will the guests stay, beta?', asked Badi Maa, playing along.
'Badi Maa, there is a vacant store room..'.
'You are not understanding, Akshara. Bad things will happen. This.. is wrong.. bad..'.

Akshara took advantage of the pause that Abhinav took to find the right words to make Akshara understand.
'In fact, Badi Maa, think about Nikkeji. The experiences he will get interacting with the different people of different professions, different age groups. Imagine a doctor, a surgeon talking with our Nikkeji, his Mom in our kitchen sharing recipes..'
Abhinav stood up furiously. 'NO! NO! Akshara, they will take our son away! We will lose him forever! We can't allow Abhimanyu to stay in our home!'.
Akshara and Badi Maa exchanged looks. 'Calm down, Damaad ji', said Badi Maa soothingly. She requested Abhinav to sit and he did, his face still red with anger, his eyes rebellious.

'Abhimanyu?', asked Akshara, in fake bewilderment, 'Who's Abhimanyu?'.
Akshara met Abhinav's dazed eyes as he answered, 'Heart surgeon. Dr. Abhimanyu Harsh Birla. He was a client of mine in Kasauli. I invited him for dinner to..Ouija! meet you and..'
Akshara got up and pulled Abhinav's hands away from his forehead. Badi Maa handed over medicines and a glass of water to Abhinav.
'No homestay. I promise, Abhinav. Our son will be with us. No one will take him away from us forever', said Akshara, firmly. She saw Abhinav relax and knew that under the effect of the medicines, Abhinav would sleep in sometime. Muskaan and Kairav will come home soon and Abhinav would further relax seeing 'Nikkeji' at the dinner table.

Badi Maa smiled at Akshara and she smiled back. Abhinav was acknowledging the existence of the Birlas, he was taking their names, he was recollecting things pertaining to them. Small victories, thought Akshara, but she would still take them any day.

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