Part 38 - Appeal (1)

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Akshara looked down at her lawyer robes, tugging at it here and there to make sure it looked perfect. First impressions, Akshara. When she was fully satisfied, she walked into the Court Room, sending out a sincere, silent prayer to Kanha ji. My family, Kanha ji. Please Kanha ji. You have tested us enough. Shower us with Your blessings, Kanha ji. Guide me on the path that leads us to Sharma Home.

On entrance, Akshara's eyes searched only for Abhinav. He was seated in the row right behind her lawyer bench, dressed smartly in a blue shirt and black trousers. Abhinav seemed to have followed the first impressions rule too for there wasn't a crease on his clothes. He looked tensed but not stressed and Akshara was reassured by the smile he gave when he spotted her. It was the smile that Abhinav reserved only for her and Akshara felt more confident than last time already. She took a quick glance at the opposite side.

Abhimanyu's lawyers formed a formidable team while there were only 2 law interns with Akshara to support her. There was no sign of Abhimanyu or Mrs. Manjari or any of the Birlas.
Akshara sat and started going through the key points that would help her win the appeal. She already knew the entire case by rote and revising the case did nothing to calm the butterflies in her stomach. Akshara quickly checked her purse. Her panic attack medicines were there. Akshara felt reassured seeing the preparedness and closed her eyes, letting the happy memories of Kasauli wash over her. Abhinav and Abhir playing with the water hose under the guise of cleaning the car, Abhir's attempt to cook for her on Mother's Day while making a mess of the kitchen, the pizza date, the loud music the three of them played and pretended that they were at a concert.
Akshara felt herself relaxing and at the same time, the determination to create more memories like this strengthened in her.

Akshara stayed that way until she felt a nudge from one of her interns.
'Madam', Usha whispered, 'The Birlas have just come'.
Akshara looked around and saw Abhimanyu and Mrs. Manjari walking towards their lawyer. Abhimanyu wore a rich white shirt with blue stripes and black trousers. The shirt was gifted by Akshara to him as a first wedding anniversary gift. Akshara seethed at Abhimanyu's cheap move. Mrs. Birla wore a very expensive pink saree laden with heavy diamond jewellery. She looked dressed for an event instead of a legal proceeding and Akshara understood that it was to highlight her financial status with all the perks that the Birlas could provide to Abhir and to demoralise Abhinav and her. Akshara turned back and saw Abhinav observing the Birlas too, his face calm, undisturbed.
Akshara along with the entire Court room could hear Manjari snapping at the lawyers, pressuring them to make sure that Abhimanyu won the appeal. Five minutes after they were seated behind their lawyers bench, Mr. Srivastav appeared. He was the most successful and expensive lawyer in Udaipur and was heading the Birla counter appeal.
Akshara had to admit that he had an intimidating personality but at the same time, Akshara was somehow unaffected by him and his stature.

Finally, the judge arrived and everyone stood up. The judge seated himself and everyone else took their places. Only Mr. Srivastav and Akshara remained standing.
'Appeal case of custody of Master Abhir Birla..' read the Judge, adjusting his spectacles.
He glanced at Akshara, '..filed by Mr. Abhinav Sharma, who will be represented by Mrs. Akshara Sharma..', Akshara bowed her head in agreement,
'..countered by Dr. Abhimanyu Birla represented by Mr. Uttam Srivastav'.
Mr. Srivastav bowed his head in agreement too.

'Mrs. Sharma, explain to the Court the premise of your appeal'.
'Your Honour, my client, Mr. Abhinav Sharma deserves the custody of Master..'.
'Please, Your Honour, Mrs. Sharma is wasting this Honourable Court's precious time..'.
'Mr. Srivastav, you are speaking out of turn', said the Judge, sternly.
'I apologise Your Honour. But there is no case. Mr. Sharma is not related to Master Abhir in any way. Whereas, my client, Dr. Abhimanyu is his biological father. I don't know how Mrs. Sharma acquired a practicing law licence when she doesn't understand basic laws'.
'Mr. Srivastav, since you are a senior law expert, I let you speak out of turn this time. You will follow the rules of this Court though'.
'I sincerely apologise again, Your Honour', responded Mr. Srivastav, secretly smug that there would be no case and no rules to follow.

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