Part 29 - Storm (2)

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'Sharma ji, the Judge found Abhimanyu a better parent than not only you, a fake so called father ji, but also Abhir's mother. You know how rare that judgement was? Awarding sole custody of a little boy to the father instead of the mother? Historic!..', said Manjari, looking condescending at Abhinav,'.. and you know why? Because the mother's name is Mrs. Akshara Sharma. Sharma. For had she been Mrs. Akshara Birla or even Akshara Goenka, she had a chance of winning joint custody. Your mere name causes suffering, Mr. Sharma,..sorry, a made up name, for you aren't even a Sharma, are you? No one knows who you really are. Yet you demand Abhir's Birla surname to be surrendered for your worthless Sharma name. And you call this love. And here I thought that you were a simple, acchha aadmi!'.

Akshara made to retaliate angrily but saw the calmness on Abhinav's face, the fire in his eyes. She sat down again, confident that Abhinav wasn't going to allow the Birlas to take advantage of his goodness anymore.
'Mrs. Birla, let me refresh your memory about the custody. The Judge didn't find Dr. Birla to be a better parent. The custody was awarded solely on the basis of riches. We all are indeed seeing the historic consequences of the judgement. The 'real' father has no clue that his son has been missing for hours, has no friends, is failing in his exams, is getting bullied under his own nose even.. A biological father whose biological son would rather hide from danger than take his 'real' father's protection.. If this is what a 'real' father is, then I am happy being a fake father ji.
Yes, Akshara lost the case because of my poor attitude towards my career and finances. It wasn't that I didn't work enough.. I was lax towards collecting my dues even after Akshara repeatedly alerted me about it. But I have been punished enough for that. First, Abhir's health issues and the fact that his Papa couldn't bear the entire cost and this one.. losing.. losing my Nikkeji. I will accept no more punishment. I will improve my financial situation..'.

Manjari interrupted,
'A driver trying to compete with a world renowned heart surgeon! Even you know, Sharma ji, that you could work yourself to your bones for your entire life and you wouldn't be able to provide Abhir a fraction of what my Abhimanyu can. You unreasonably demand from us to send Abhir Birla to that poor house you call Sharma House. Where eating a basic pizza is a treat. Where Abhir doesn't get to choose between horse riding classes or cello classes but rather between new shoes or a new water bottle. What a beautiful definition of love, Sharma ji!'.

Abhinav knew that nothing he could say would change Manjari's way of thinking but he would stand up for himself today no matter what. He answered back, unfazed,
'I compete with no one as I don't believe that I am a lesser human for being a driver rather than a 'world renowned heart surgeon'. I find my job meaningful - ensuring that people reach their destinations, no matter what the obstacles. I am sure you must have come across drivers too who made it possible for their passengers to reach Birla Hospital on time thereby contributing in saving their lives too..'
Abhinav's tone hardened as he spoke about his beloved Sharma Home,
'..Sharma Home wasn't, isn't and will never be a poor house. Yes, we have to save for outings but no one has gone hungry for even a single meal. No family member, no guest. Yes, Abhir has had to choose between a new pair of shoes and a new water bottle but never between his mother and a personal room. Never between his papa and an elite school education. Abhir had everything he needed and some things that he wanted. Akshara and I were working hard and gaining success year by year. Gradually, we would have fulfilled every healthy wish of Abhir too..'.

Abhinav became lost in the happy world that was his in Kasauli. The laughter, the fun, the togetherness. He blinked away the forming tears, pulling himself back to the cruel present,
'Yes, I cannot provide Abhir with the kind of education that the Birlas can. Where the Principal is more concerned about how to save the school's image and her job rather than the life of her student. Yes, I cannot provide Abhir with the kind of contacts where a multimillionaire is more concerned about his future profits rather than a small boy being trapped with explosives..',
Abhinav blocked further terrible thoughts of what could have happened that dreadful night.
'..I cannot provide riches to Abhir at the cost of him missing quality time with his Papa. I know.. I have lived a childhood without parents and my son will never face that. I will provide him with a much better lifestyle than the one I had previously. One in which all his needs will continue to be fulfilled as well as some of his healthy wants, in which wealth will open doors to opportunities and in time I will create a good money bank to secure his future. But I will not provide him with even a fraction of the type of riches that the Birlas are providing to him. If you genuinely care about your grandson, the fact that your grandson will lead a good and happy life should be enough to assure you'.

'A good life?..', asked Manjari, shrewdly,
'..Financially, okay, I will keep that aside for now. But non - financially?
Is it love, Mr. Sharma, where a six year old boy is forced into the fake relations created by a desperate orphan? To have a grandmother who is not your Dad's mother, a Bua who is not your Dad's sister,..' Manjari's eyes gleamed wickedly as she continued,' a mother who is not your Dad's wife'.
Abhinav was stunned for a moment, shocked at the level to which Manjari was willing to fall down to. He glanced at Akshara, who seemed angry yet unsurprised. No doubt she has heard these kind of things before.

Abhinav said, 'I know a lot about Neil through Akshara. For a good period of time, when he thought he was adopted by the Birlas, he made relations with everyone here. Did he not consider you as his mother right from the beginning even though you weren't his father's wife? Abhimanyu as his brother, when as per Neil's understanding at that time, Abhimanyu wasn't his father's son? Were all those relations fake or forced from his side or yours at any time?..',
For the first time, Abhinav noticed shame in Manjari's eyes,
'..What Neelamma, Muskaan, Akshara and Abhir mean to me..words are not enough to express it. My life isn't enough to express it. And they know it, so I don't need to prove this to anyone.
As regards Akshara, she is Abhir's mother in every sense of the word, whether she is my wife or not. Mrs. Birla, I understand that you are trying to insult me by referring to the time when you accidentally came to know that Akshara and I share only a co-parenting relation but I will not be quiet anymore if anyone speaks ill about Abhir's mother, my Akshara..
Frankly, you, as Abhir's biological grandmother and Abhimanyu as his biological father should be happy to see the unconditional love Abhir has gotten in his life. If there was only a question of securing Abhir's future, the Sharmas, Birlas and Goenkas could have all come together and worked out a plan. Yes, Akshara tried to hide Abhir from Abhimanyu, and I now see why, but once Abhimanyu came to know about Abhir, she has gradually accepted Abhimanyu's right as a father. I accepted Abhimanyu's right on Abhir as well. You both still not only went ahead with the court case but also demanded sole custody of Abhir..'
Abhinav stole a quick glance at Akshara before steeling himself to say the next words,
'..Whom did Abhimanyu really want, Mrs. Birla?'.

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