Part 40 - Appeal (3)

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'As you can now see, Your Honour, Master Abhir was influenced not to form a bond with Dr. Abhimanyu. From the constant unlawful visits to the guilt tripping of the kid, a well thought of strategy was implemented for this very day. That's all, Your Honour'.
'Mrs. Sharma, would you like to say something in this regard?'.
'Your Honour, weekend visits were permitted by the Family Court based on Dr. Abhimanyu's approval. Dr. Abhimanyu informed us that while he had no issues, it was Abhir who didn't want to visit Abhinav and me. On the third weekend, Abhinav managed to convince Abhir to get away with us for the weekend and everything happened lawfully, Your H..'.

'Please tell the Court why Abhir refused to visit you and Mr. Sharma, Mrs. Sharma?'.
Akshara took a deep breath,'To convince Abhir to go live with the Birlas as per the Court orders, Abhinav lied to Abhir that he was becoming a financial burden to us. Abhir couldn't figure out Abhinav's lie and Abhinav not being able to visit Abhir on the first 2 weekends cemented Abhir's belief in Abhinav's lie'.
'How do we know it is a lie? Maybe, it's the truth that came out, Your Honour. Abhir Birla is afterall not Abhinav's child'.

Abhinav flinched. Abhir Bir..Bir..Bi.. is afterall not Abhi..Abhi.. Abhinav couldn't complete the thought. Every time he tried to do so, to face the lie, a terrible pain rose in his heart which left his mind blank.
Akshara has prepared you for this. Be strong.

'Abhir is very much Abhinav's child', responded Akshara, a little anger creeping into her voice despite her best efforts, 'It was a lie, otherwise Abhinav wouldn't be appealing here for Abhir's custody'.
'Mrs. Sharma, this is not the tone that will be used in this Court'.
'I apologise, Your Honour'.

'Your Honour, there could be many reasons why Mr. Sharma filed for this appeal. A possible one could be that he wants to get in Mrs. Sharma's good books. Perhaps, secretly, he is well aware  that he has no chance of winning the appeal but at the same time he could make it out to be the Court's fault instead of doing something actively to push Master Abhir out of his life. It is possible that Abhinav wants Akshara and not Abhir..'.

Abhinav went numb and disoriented, his mind disconnecting from the reality made up of lies.
Who are they talking about? I need to be in the Court room where Nikkeji's appeal is being decided, which room have I entered? There is some mistake, I need to find the correct place, I cannot lose my Nikkeji because of my stupidity.
Abhinav looked around quickly, trying to figure out from where to leave when he spotted Mrs. Manjari smiling face. There was a look of sheer joy on her face, an anticipation of the victory to follow.
It was that expression that pinned Abhinav in his place, forcing him to rethink. Memories of the stormy night where he had faced Nature's wrath with Akshara on his shoulders and got to the hospital anyhow for the miracle baby to arrive flooded his mind. The 3 days when his hands knew only the existence of Abhir, not food, were next to follow.
Use Nikkeji to get to Akshara? Push his Nikkeji out of his life?
Abhinav cried silently, quickly drying his tears on his sleeves.

'Objection, Your Honour! Mr. Srivastav cannot make up theories like that!'.
'Sustained. Mrs. Sharma, mind your tone.
Mr. Srivastav, the Honourable Court believes in truth and proofs, not speculations and assumptions. Kindly keep this in mind'.
'Yes, Your Honour. The point I was making was that Mr. Sharma filing for the appeal doesn't prove that he was lying about Abhir being a financial burden for him'.

'Mrs. Sharma, the Court agrees with Mr. Srivastav. Do you have any other proof that Mr. Sharma was lying about Abhir being a financial burden?'.
'Your Honour, Abhinav started getting visual hallucinations about Abhir after he left. The Doctor's detailed report is in the file on your desk, Your Honour. The only treatment that worked was convincing Abhinav that the real Abhir's life was in danger and only Abhinav could save him.
Your Honour, yet again, Abhinav put his life at stake to rescue Abhir from a demolis..'.

Mr. Srivastav intervened rapidly before the facts of the kidnapping could come out.
'Your Honour, while the Birlas being a family of doctors sympathise with Mr. Sharma's mental struggles..', Akshara shook her head at the pettiness and stared at Mrs. Birla who had used Abhinav's those very same weak moments to poison Abhir's mind against him,'..and medical science has taken great steps forward in the science of the mind, it is impossible to say with surety with the knowledge of today what exactly triggers visual hallucinations.
Maybe, it was Abhinav's guilt conscience or his homesickness for Kasauli or the extreme climatic difference between the mountains and a desert like plain or some past memory trigger as Mr. Sharma is an orphan. It didn't have to be connected to longing for Abhir.
Another thing that cannot be said with any guarantee is that what worked for Mr. Sharma was him believing that Master Abhir's life was in danger. Given the sufficient rest period and correct medicines, it is most probable that Abhinav recovered because of that. Previously, Abhinav had put Abhir's life at risk by refusing to involve the Goenkas even on Akshara's insistence when Abhir had been hospitalized due to heart trouble and Abhinav had been perfectly fine then. No hallucinations, nothing. That's all, Your Honour'.

The judge frowned as he did when he was deep in thought. He reread the Doctor's report.
'Mr. Srivastav, while no one can enter anyone's mind and say with 100% guarantee what causes a slip of the mind, it does seem most likely here, considering the events, that Mr. Sharma had a mental lapse because of Master Abhir not being there with him. However, your point cannot be refuted entirely. So, I will reserve my judgement on this until I speak with Mr. Sharma myself.
Mr. Srivastav, you said that previously too Mr. Sharma had put Master Abhir's life in danger. Please elaborate'.

'Yes, Your Honour. Unfortunately, Master Abhir had a terrible heart problem at such a young age of 6',
Mr. Srivastav spoke slowly, emphasing Abhir's age, smugly painting the picture of the Sharmas to be incapable parents, 'The Sharmas in their hustle to put food on the table daily couldn't pay attention to Master Abhir. His fainting spells and visible breathing problems were ignored. It's a common problem in poor families, Your Honour. When finally Abhir fainted in front of the entire school and everyone got involved, he was rushed to the hospital..'
Akshara fingers turned to fists, listening to the way the facts were being twisted. As though a mother will take her son to the hospital only because there are eye witnesses. As though a father would stoop so low.
Calm, Akshara. Let all the stories be heard. Then, there will be nothing to hear except the truth.

'..On the initial surgery day, Mr. Sharma didn't show up on time and the Doctor was also walking away. Mr. Sharma has a history of assaulting doctors too. Mrs. Sharma lost her cool as she somewhere understood that their shallow pockets could take Master Abhir's life and wanted the Goenkas - owner of Goenka Diamonds - Mr. Sharma's in-laws to take the entire medical responsibility. However, Mr. Sharma, I can only speculate Your Honour as I can't have proof of someone's thoughts, seemed to want to be the Hero of Kasauli and his love and finished his entire business by mortgaging the taxis in the guise of paying for Abhir's medical bills. The surgery happened and then unbelievably Mr. Sharma himself proposed taking help from his in-laws. Of course, the Goenkas wouldn't leave their children in that condition and as is the Indian tradition gave a princely welcome to their unemployed damaad as well. Mr. Sharma lives with his in-laws currently as well and the Goenkas have offered him a Directorship postin Goenka Diamonds too'.

'Is Master Abhir completely recovered now?', asked the Judge, confirming the medical report he had in his hand.
'Yes, Your Honour. My client - Dr. Abhimanyu Birla - has worked a near miracle on Master Abhir. At such late discovery of heart trouble, the risks increase manifold but Mr. Birla faced all challenges and cured Master Abhir who for him at that point was his ex's and her husband's son. Abhimanyu paid off a majority of the bill from his personal savings and pretended that it was a charity that paid off to ensure that Mr. Sharma didn't feel overwhelmed or burdened like many less educated people from humble backgrounds feel at the hospital..'.
'I understood the answer to my question, Mr. Srivastav.
Dr. Abhimanyu, I congratulate you for your success in saving Master Abhir's life. It is clear that the surgery was complex and you have maintained the respect that Doctors get in our country'.
Abhimanyu stood up,'Thank you, Your Honour'.
Manjari beamed, already celebrating the victory of the appeal in her mind.

'Mrs. Sharma,  your client has behaved in the most irresponsible manner. Making a 6 year old feel like a financial burden to taking unnecessary risks with his health.. Do you even have anything to say here?', asked the Judge, sternly.
'Yes, Your Honour. Starting with the medical heart trouble..'.

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