Part 21 - Hide

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Abhinav drove like the Devil. He could feel the fear radiating from Akshara who sat beside him. Strangely, while he could see the frown lines of concern on Dr. Birla's face from the rearview mirror, a passerby would mistake Abhimanyu for a well wisher, not the father of a missing child. Nikkeji. I am so sorry. Please forgive me, Nikkeji. Come back to me, Nikkeji. Mrs. Birla looked worried, guilty and angry. Abhinav turned his full attention on the nearly empty road once more, willing the car to move faster.

Abhinav couldn't stop himself from remembering how the evening had turned into this terrible night.

Few Hours Earlier

'Let's get our son back, Akshara'. Abhinav saw his words break through Akshara panic and she nodded, pulling herself back together.
'Where could Abhir be? Abhimanyu, what did his friends say? Where did they last see him?'.
Abhimanyu answered, sheepishly, 'I don't know who Abhir's friends are'.
'Abhimanyu, please, this is no time to hide information! Abhir could be in trouble. I know you must have checked all his friends houses and that's why you have come here last. It's nearly 7:30 p.m., Abhimanyu! Abhir is missing since 4:00 p.m.', said Akshara, anxiously.
'He is telling the truth, Akshara', said Abhinav, his anger contained in him only for Nikkeji's sake,'This pathetic man is telling the truth!'.
'ABHIMANYU!', Akshara exploded,' How do I reach my son? What did the school staff say?'.
Abhimanyu looked ashamed. 'Akshara, we realised just now that Abhir hadn't come home. We thought you must have brought him here. This is..the..the first place..'.
'Kanha ji! Kanha ji! My son!'. Akshara burst into sobs and Badi Maa caught her, distress clear on her face.

Bade Papa caught Abhimanyu's collar furiously, 'What kind of a father are you? Your son doesn't come home and you don't realise it? You ill treated my Akshara and Aarohi and I kept mum. BUT NOT TODAY! I am calling the police!'.
'Yes, Bhaisahab, call the police. Let the police find out where this murderer has hidden my grandson!'.
'Bade Papa, please, for Abhir's sake, we all need to calm down. Akshara, call Principal Madam. We need her help'.
Akshara immediately dialed and connected with Miss Jain. Miss Jain, though sick, promised full support. Akshara took the contact numbers of several school staff from her. Bade Papa contacted the police, notifying them only about Abhir on Abhinav's request. Mrs. Manjari co-operated with Bade Papa and the police sent out their search teams while also seeking information from Miss Jain. Thanks to the powerful influence of the Goenkas and Birlas, they were already making up for the time lost on searching for Abhir.

'Abhinav, I just spoke to Abhir's class teacher. She said that Abhir is a very quiet boy, who doesn't speak at all. He doesn't have any friends, Abhinav!..', Akshara leaned against Abhinav, unable to bear the weight of all the information,'..She said that he was often troubled by other kids but never complained'. Abhinav closed his eyes, trying to shut the horrors unfolding tonight. Quiet? Friendless? His Nikkeji? There has to be some confusion. There has to be.. Abhinav saw the embarrassment, the shame on Abhimanyu's face, the defiance in Manjiri's and his momentary wild hope was crushed.

'Ruhi!', burst out Akshara suddenly, smacking her forehead,' We are missing the obvious, Abhinav! Ruhi will know something. And Shivansh. I will call Aarohi just now'.
Abhinav watched with baited breath as Akshara spoke to Aarohi. A knife twisted through his heart on noticing the dejection on Akshara's face as she kept the phone. 'Abhinav..', said Akshara, through sobs, 'Ruhi has no idea. And Shivansh.. Shivansh used to bully him too. Abhir was mocked in school for being a 'failure'. He has failed in all his exams and at Birla House.. Shivansh resented him for being the favourite grandson'.
Abhinav held Akshara tight in his arms, silent tears flowing down his face.  Nikkeji was going through so much and his Papa didn't have a clue. Nikkeji, yaara, come back please, please wherever you are come back. I am sorry, yaara.
'Wah, Bhaisahab!', said Manjari, clapping sarcastically,' what upbringing you have given your daughters! One murderer, one liar. Shivansh and Abhir are closer than blood brothers but your daughters will lie even at this time to snatch my grandson. Blaming a child for their selfish motives. Disgusting!'.
'Manish ji. Calm down! We need to find Abhir. He is our priority'.
'Suvarna, listen to how she is..
'Abhir, Manish ji, Abhir. Our grandchild'.
Bade Papa calmed himself down.

Abhinav was unaware of his surroundings, lost in thought on how to find Abhir. 'Akshara, football! Abhir must have made friends when he went to play football. It is not possible that our son interacts with someone everyday over something he loves and doesn't make friends!'.
Akshara looked up in hope. 'I will call Aarohi and take the contact nos.'.
'Abhir didn't play football', said Abhimanyu, his voice just a little louder than a whisper, the gravity of the situation finally hitting him.
'What do you mean? Abhir plays football everyday. Even when he was sick, even when he was recovering, you know that, you were his doctor', said Akshara, confused.
'Abhir spend the evenings at home, studying. He wasn't interested in football'.
The colour drained out of Abhinav's face.
Akshara burst out, 'Studying? Abhimanyu, which 6 year old would study every hour at their home? Which 6 year old would not want to play for sometime everyday? Especially the football champion Abhir?'.
Abhimanyu stood speechless but Manjari spoke up. 'My grandson isn't some ordinary 6 year old. He is Abhir Abhimanyu Birla. He is going to be the greatest heart surgeon in the world, surpassing even his Dad. That requires dedication and single minded commitment to studies like my Abhir has shown'.
Abhinav listened to these delusions, each word hammering in his head. Single minded commitment? World's greatest heart surgeon? Football was Abhir's passion, his love but he had struck a balance between sports and studies. Abhir had never refused to study but here his goodness had been taken advantage of.

Every door is locked. How should I reach my son? Give me a way, Akshara's Kanha ji. I beg You, give me a way to reach my boy. Abhinav's prayer got interuppted by Akshara's phone ringing. Akshara listened tensed and everyone in the room was quiet until the call ended. 'Abhinav, the police have found clues in Abhir's school! We must reach there at once. Bade Papa, stay here in case Abhir decides to come here. Aarohi will keep a look out in Birla House'.
'Don't worry, beta. I will keep you updated'.


At 10:00 p.m., while Udaipur was more awake than Kasauli, the traffic activity was low. Abhinav hoped and wished and prayed that the police had located Abhir. He wanted to scream, to punch, to punish, to cry, to sleep and on waking realise that these entire events were a nightmare but Abhinav locked every emotion inside him. Except determination. He had to find his Nikkeji, he had to ensure that his son was safe and sound.

The car stopped outside the school gates.

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