Part 39 - Appeal (2)

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Akshara sighed internally. The same accusations, the same answers. You can't lose patience, Akshara. Anything for Abhir. Abhinav won't be able to survive without Abhir. Anything for family.

'..As you can see, Your Honour, this led to Dr. Abhimanyu cutting the phone call mid way and not knowing that one of his biological sons was very much alive', concluded Mr. Srivastav.
'Mrs. Sharma, do you have anything to say in this regard?'.
'Your Honour, if the matter was only of miscommunication I would have contacted Dr. Abhimanyu again for Abhir's sake. I never wanted to be a single mother, I always wanted my Abhir to receive the entire family's love. However, Your Honour, the matter wasn't of miscommunication but ego..'.
'Objection, Your Honour, Mrs. Sha..'.
'Overruled, Mr. Srivastav. You will speak only after Mrs. Sharma has conveyed to this Court her side of the events'.
Mr. Srivastav scowled but bowed his head in deference.

'..Dr. Abhimanyu and my relation never had an element of equality because Dr. Abhimanyu always felt that he is completely right about everything. He knows it all. That's why that day inspite of a stranger picking up the phone of the woman he claimed to love, he didn't even hear the entire conversation.
Your Honour, Dr. Abhimanyu could have contacted me at any time after the immediate grief of losing his brother, Mr. Neil, was over. But the truth is even after 6 years, his anger didn't cool down.
I understood this after that phone call and I didn't want my son to grow up with the toxic traits of anger and ego. That's all, Your Honour'.
Mr. Srivastav said, ' Your Honour, I wish to cross question, Mrs. Sharma'.
'Granted. Mrs. Sharma, please take the witness box'.

Akshara stepped in the witness box as Abhinav watched unhappily. All of this had been discussed and debated about multiple times. The Birlas were diverting the case, this much Abhinav understood. Why at the cost of hurting my Akshara? Why does Akshara only have to explain and justify herself always? Why is Akshara always paying the price when Dr. Birla was at least equally responsible for everything that happened?
Abhinav stilled his mind. It was of no use. There was only one language the Birlas understood - not of compassion, not of love but of power. And the Court had that power. Focus had to be only on getting justice.

'So, Mrs. Sharma, you knew that Abhimanyu misunderstood about the existence of Abhir? Or rather even after the phone call, he was unaware about Abhir?'.
'Yes', said Akshara, firmly.
'And you still didn't contact him again?'.

'Your Honour, this was a deliberate attempt to separate a father from his son. The mother herself has admitted that'.
The judge looked unimpressed.
'Mrs. Sharma has already admitted that. She has given her reason also that she didn't want Dr. Abhimanyu's ego and anger to influence Abhir. What's your point, Mr. Srivastav?'.
'Your Honour, Mrs. Sharma had no right to make that decision to Abhimanyu's biological son from him. This deliberate attempt has ruined all natural chances that Abhimanyu had of connecting with Abhir right from his infancy. And this strain is visible even today which Mrs. Sharma is using as the primary reason to take back the custody from my client which he has won legally!'.

'Mrs. Sharma, what do you have to say?'.
'Your Honour, the diagnosis of miscarriage was done in Birla Hospital. At that point, even I had no idea that Abhir had survived. My pregnancy already had complications and after the misdiagnosis, I suffered even more emotional and mental trauma. Dr. Abhimanyu should be grateful that Abhir even survived and that was in no small part to a particular stranger in the bus..'.
Abhimanyu's face soured on hearing that.

'.. Dr. Abhimanyu and I were divorced when I became aware that Abhir was alive in my womb. No concern by Dr. Abhimanyu was shown towards me at any time after the divorce even though he was in touch with my grandfather.
I didn't sue Birla Hospital for the misdiagnosis because of which I could have lost Abhir, I suffered through a lot of pain given by Dr. Abhimanyu and I still contacted him even though as his ex wife, I had no obligation to do that.
I felt that I had done more than enough, Your Honour, especially considering that Dr. Abhimanyu found himself incapable to even hear an entire conversation'.
'I agree with Mrs. Sharma, Mr. Srivastav. She had done her part in informing Dr. Abhimanyu about the baby. It wasn't her fault that Dr. Abhimanyu remained unaware'.

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