Chapter 85: Preparations. (Quiet)

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Beckendorf and Hephaestus walked out of the Chaos cabin, carrying large stacks of metal and machinery while carts followed them, tied to their waists. As they walked through camp, they were given a few weird stares.

But when they got within eyeshot of the Hephaestus cabin, roars and cheers erupted from it. The Hephaestus kids' heads began to swarm and swirl with ideas as the massive amounts of material grew closer.

In the Arena, Luke and Ares continued to teach the fighters as best they could, occasionally fixing stances or making the trainees run. They had fought valiantly against Erebus, but now Tartarus was coming, and he was likely to be stronger than Erebus. The demigods needed to be ready, and from the looks of it, they were on the right path.

Zoe stood in the woods with Chiron and taught an archery class. A mix of hunters and campers fired at the stands, slowly growing more and more accurate. Despite her worries, Zoe grew a satisfied smile. The campers would be ready, she was sure of it.

Bianca worked with Silena in the amphitheater, teaching a much smaller group of demigods how to control their godly powers and what to do with them. The small group consisted of more elemental or magical demigods, like those of Hypnos and Demeter. (The Hecate kids were being taught by Achilles and Patroclus in a different section of camp.)

Calypso labored furiously on Leo, constantly checking his heart monitor and rushing around the infirmary, trying to distract herself from the very real possibility of him dying. Occasionally, he or Icarus would stir, and she would immediately be at their side.

Bob sat next to Peleus, watching as Ethan battled the monsters that occasionally popped up. While he had tried to help, Ethan had told him to stay at the tree and rest. So there he sat, softly stroking Peleus's head and wondering how the gods hadn't noticed him yet.

Orpheus slept like a rock, arms wrapped around his also sleeping wife. Their dreams were dotted with friends they had made throughout the cosmos and worries on their mind.

Athena sat in a large pile of books, none of which were stacked neatly. Hundreds of books had  already formed unmaintained piles around Percy' library. While she hadn't yet found anything pertaining to the situation at hand, she still had lots of the library to examine. She tossed another book behind her as she finished it, quickly snapping and making a new one fly into her hand.

Demeter and Grover worked together in the forest, making nymphs stronger or growing massive barriers to help protect the forest. Roots and flowers grew to massive proportions, and they noticed a new type of flower growing in the forest. Each one radiated soft power, not enough to be worrying... but the forest had begun to fill with them, covering some smaller areas in their blood-red color. Small power can be strong in large amounts.

Far in the sky, the Romans trained hard in their black city, pushing themselves as hard as they could. The sound of weapons clanging and determined yells filled the city. 

The other Olympians either scouted the country for Percy or popped into the camp classes occasionally, offering guidance or knowledge. Hestia sat by the hearth and tended it, smiling at its flames.

Estelle lay in her bed in the chaos cabin, staring blankly at the ceiling and hoping her ghost friends would return. Her arm hummed a tune only she could hear, a tune that promised power and destruction. She hated it.

Bellerophon walked into his cabin's forge and lay out the pieces of his broken rifle. He collected what little materials were left inside and began to hammer away, trying to fix the weapon that his mother had gifted him.

Hades sighed and walked out of Elysium. He wished he hadn't had to deliver the news, but the Blofis's had demanded that he tell them everything to do with their son. And despite his protests, he eventually gave in.

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