Chapter 89: Poseidon goes off. (Leo wakes up)

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Icarus pushed the cabin door open and walked out, the sun blinding his eyes. Through his spot covered vision, he could see demigods rushing around the camp, collecting materials, storing items in secure places, or grabbing weapons for training.

"What do you mean we set the mines on the wrong hill again?" Icarus heard Travis say as him and his brother passed the cabin.

With the help of Patroclus, Calypso had finally declared that Icarus was well enough to leave the infirmary. While his skin had been crushed while it was gold, through a mix of good timing and Patroclus's magic healing, they had managed to fix him.

"GOLDY!" A voice yelled happily.

Icarus grinned as Bellerophon slammed into him, wrapping his arms around him and spinning. "You're out of the infirmary!"

Icarus laughed as Bellerophon set him down. "Yeah. Now, Calypso and Patroclus can focus on Leo."

"Is he doing alright?" Bellerophon asked.

"We talked," Icarus said. "The reality of everything kind of hit him while he was in the cot, y'know? It's hard for him."

Bellerophon frowned, and Icarus waved it off. "But he'll be fine! He's excited to get up and start working on prosthetics. And, between you and me..."

He leaned close and whispered. "I caught a glimpse of some blueprints Beckendorf had. Leo's brain is going to explode."

Bellerophon laughed and hugged Icarus tightly. "That's good. Now, Bob says he's tired, and I was just coming to catch up with you. You wanna help me defend camp from some smaller monsters?"

Icarus smiled. "Of course."
Zeus walked beside Poseidon as they slowly made their way across camp. They stayed quiet, unsure of what to say, until Zeus cleared his throat.

"How... is Amphitrite?" He asked.

"Fine," Poseidon said dryly.


After a few moments, he spoke again. "And Triton?"

"Great, especially since he reconnected with Athena."

"Oh, yeah, I... I kinda forgot about that..." Zeus grumbled, knitting his eyebrows. "Does she really care for him?"

Poseidon stopped walking, forcing Zeus to stop beside him.

"Why did you--"

"Zeus," Poseidon said. "Stop trying to make small talk. I don't care."

"You can't-- hold on," Zeus said. "You can't just--"

"My son is missing, my other son finally reconnected with his daughter, and my wife loves me as always. There's the answers to your questions. Now stop asking."

"I was just trying to--"

"Zeus!" Poseidon said loudly, drawing the attention of campers. He cleared his throat and lowered his voice, telling the demigods to leave with his eyes.

"Brother, do you want to know something? Whatever small talk you are going to try to make? I. Don't. Care. If you want to talk to someone, talk to Ares. Or Hera. Or literally anybody else."

"What-- brother, why are you acting this way?" Zeus asked.

"Artemis is dead," Poseidon said harshly as he jabbed Zeus's chest with his finger. "Apollo is grieving, and it's all your fault. A god DIED because of your negligence of the problem and non-existent care for the demigods."

"You-- I will not be spoken to like--!"

"NO!" Poseidon yelled. "You wanted to talk, didn't you? Let's talk. You, in all of you narcissism and pride, you got your own daughter killed. Her brother, your son, hates you with everything he has, your other daughter finally reconnected with her real father figure, one that's better than you in every way, and now you're fighting in a war with a scale you've only dreamed of. Had Artemis not died, Percy would still be here. Had she survived, we would have hope. Had she survived, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Had she survived, your family would still LOVE YOU!"

Poseidon's seething slowly disappeared, and he took a step back from Zeus with a deep, resigned breath.

"Because that's what it boils down to. You were terrible, you haven't made any choices to change, and you got your daughter killed. So now..."

Poseidon turned and continued to walk. "Your family hates you, whether they show it or not."
Leo grumbled and opened his eye, the sunlight coming through the window blinding him. He tried to lift his arm to block the light, only for nothing to happen.

"Oh... right..." He said, deciding to just turn his head.

The infirmary was empty. He looked at the clock in the wall, trying to figure out what time it was. 12:34.

He groaned and sat up, the sheets falling off his chest. Only one wire remained hooked to his body, connecting to the stump where his right arm once was. He groaned and looked at the monitor, reading the information on it. Everything seemed perfectly fine. His stump had healed over, and the right side of his face had its bandages taken off. He reached for the wire and missed a couple of times.

"I miss depth perception," he said as he managed to grab it. He popped it off and let it hang from the machine, barely touching the ground.

He got out of the bed softly and looked at himself. He was wearing a standard infirmary gown, spotted with soft colored dots.

He walked to the door and missed the handle at first, opening it on his second try. He walked out and looked around, slightly confused. The long hallway looked similar to the one with everyone's rooms, but there weren't as many doors. The symbols on the doors were new to him as well. One had a telescope, one had a book, the one behind him had a syringe, one had a hammer on an anvil, and they other couple doors didn't matter to him.

He walked to the one with the hammer and anvil, pushing the door open and smiling at the room inside. Just as he guessed, it was a forge. He began to root around inside, looking at the materials inside and the blueprints lining the walls. On one wall, there was a mounted safe. It's door hung wide open.

"Are you busy?" Someone asked behind him.

He jumped and whirled around, trying to raise a fist with his right arm, and, obviously, failing.

Bellerophon chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help. You wanted to make some prosthetics, right?"

Leo nodded. "Yeah. But... I don't really know where to start? I'm unfamiliar with most of these materials."

"I'll help," Bellerophon said as he walked to the room's main table. "Today, prosthetics. And tomorrow..."

He grinned and pulled a blueprint out of his cloak, as well as a familiar disk. He placed both items on the table and gestured to Leo.


Leo walked to his side and gazed at the blueprints, eyes widening. A grin grew on his face, stretching to each ear.

"Go Go Power Rangers."

Beckendorf burst into laughter and rolled the blueprints up, placing them in his cloak.  But that's for tomorrow. We have somewhere between 8 and 9 hours until the next camp meeting. Think we can fix you up in that time?"

Leo nodded. "With both of us together? Absolutely."

Percy Jackson, the Embodiment of Hope.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz