Chapter 87: Contingency plan 34-BF. (Drunk Chaos)

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"Here we go."

Luke's eyes followed the cube as it slowly floated up into the middle of the room. Each side shot a different beam of light, and the cube began to spin wildly, filling the room with the mix of colors. Then it disappeared in a burst of white light, blinding him.

The right wall shimmered, and a door appeared on it, glowing purple. Luke blinked the spots away from his vision and walked through it uncertainly. The door shut behind him, and he looked around in awe. He was in Percy's trophy room.

The room was quite large, easily three times the size of the bedroom. Its walls were a mix of blues, purples, and reds, with a roof of see-through glass, letting you see the cosmos through it.

The room was floating in space, magically connected to the cabin. Now Luke understood how Percy hid all of his stuff so well. Pedestals lay all over the room, with treasures or memorable items from Percy's various adventures floating on them.

The walls were lined with separate weapons, some decorative, some religious, and some for actual fighting. Firearms, tridents, swords, slingshots, chains, and all manner of items in between hung, some glowing with power.

Luke stared at the items in wonder, mind flashing back to each adventure they had been on.

"Luke," a voice said behind him.

He jumped back and whirled, staring at the person in front of him.


The being in front of him nodded. "That's me."

Luke pointed at him. "But... I thought you--"

Percy's form suddenly flickered and glitched before becoming completely blue and then going back to normal.

"Oh," Luke said, confusion disappearing and arm dropping to his side. "You're a hologram."

Holo-Percy nodded. "Yeah."

"Do you... know what's happened?" Luke asked.

"My memory was updated the last day real Percy would have left the cabin," Holo-Percy said.  Which would have been... almost two days ago."

It tilted its head. "Why have I not returned to the cabin yet?"

"You... left," Luke said with a wince. "A lot of stuff happened when we fought Erebus."

"I see," Holo-Percy said. "Why are you in my treasury?"

"I activated contingency plan 34-BF," Luke said.

Holo-Percy's eyes briefly turned into landing symbols before returning to normal with a ding.

"I see," it said. "This is a dire situation."


"Alright. So, first things first. Are all of our members able to fight?"

"Leo and Icarus are in the infirmary."

"Okay. Will they be out it in the next three days?"

"I'm not sure."

"Very well. Has Order's trainees come in yet?"

"There's multiple?"

"Yes, there's-- nevermind, I'm going to assume they haven't based on your reaction. And just to make sure, this is 34-BF and not 34-BG?"

"Yeah," Luke said. "The Olympians joining the fight was just as surprising to me as it was to you."

"Alright. And do we know what troops Tartarus has at his disposal?"

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