Chapter 48

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Author Note: Guess who got tickets to LUCY!! VVIP too. I am currently trying to keep myself from freaking out too bad as I work on making them hats to stop my anxiety from getting too bad.

Here's a new chapter. Hope you're all doing well!


Cas doesn't even remember falling asleep. One moment she was being carried into the nest by Seungcheol, the next, there's sun shining in through the window in the bathroom. There's some shifting around her, making her whine a bit, but a low, rumbling purr coming from the chest below her has her sighing and easing back into the embrace of whoever's holding her. Her own purr picks up when a hand moves to rub up and down her back, her nose moving up to push into the throat of whoever's underneath her. She takes a deep breath, eyes blinking open when she realizes it's not Seungcheol, as she expected, but Mingyu. She sits back onto her heels, trying to make sense of why her instincts were so calm and her omega was responding like the Pack Alpha was underneath her. Rubbing at her eyes, Cas's head starts to swivel first to the left and then to the right, panic sinking in when she can't find the Pack Alpha anywhere in the pile of limbs.

Two hands grip her waist a little tighter and her panicked gaze moves to lock with Mingyu, "Easy Cas," he murmurs, "Cheol just ran to the bathroom really quick. He'll be right back out." he tries to pull her back down towards him, but she pushes back against his hands. Her instincts are just too high right now to give up this vantage point, instead staring at the bathroom door, barely blinking. Mingyu's thumbs start to trace patterns on her waist, his low purr starting up again. It's confusing her omega as she's both calming down and still trying to stay alert at the same time. She starts swaying a bit as she tries to handle the conflicting feelings.

When the door to the bathroom opens, she bites her lip to stop the whine, watching as Cheol stretches a bit before turning back to the bed. He startles when he sees her, instantly moving faster towards the nest. He climbs up the bed right over Mingyu's feet, pressing his chest against her back. Cas sighs, letting herself collapse into him, "Good morning little omega." Seungcheol purrs, hands moving to wrap around her waist and twisting them off Mingyu to lay next to the other alpha, "I wasn't expecting you to be up so quickly." She whines softly, head tilting back onto his shoulder. He chuckles, a hand coming up to trail fingers up and down the center of her throat before wrapping loosely around it, "What? No good morning for your alphas?" He presses a kiss right behind her ear to make sure she knows he's kidding.

She whines again and Cheol's brows furrow, looking over her head at the other Pack Alpha. Mingyu shrugs, "She seemed fine. Was all cuddly with me. Tensed up when she started scenting me and then went on full defense, alert, prairie dog mode."

Cheol chuckles at the description, nosing at Cas's hair as she relaxes back into him, "And now she's just a purring puddle of content omega." He sighs, other hand coming up to pet at Mingyu's hair, "I don't think you did anything wrong, Min, I think she's just gonna be jumpy. We'll have to watch for it."

There's some shuffling behind Seungcheol's back, and a nose presses up against the base of his neck, "You left the nest, didn't you?" Jeonghan asks sleepily, moving up a bit to drape himself over their Pack Alpha.

Seungcheol nods, "Yeah, just to use the restroom."

Jeonghan clicks his tongue, "I thought you said you read the text summaries I gave you yesterday morning before she got here."

Seungcheol whines, "I did... well... most of them." He mutters when turning to stare at Jeonghan giving him a single raised brow, "I missed something important, didn't I?"

Jeonghan nods. Someone shifts behind Mingyu and they watch as Wonwoo clings to the other alpha's back. His head peaking over as he squints at all of them, "Morning." He mumbles gripping onto Mingyu tighter, like the younger is a teddy bear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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