Chapter 38

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Thank you again for all the support people are giving! I'm in the middle of my last six classes for my second bachelor degree, and currently in the middle of some work drama that has me debating switching engineering firms.Wishing everyone the best of luck right now! Hopefully I'll be working back to updating more regularly.


They'd moved everyone into a large SUV after it was confirmed that Cas had eaten enough. There weren't exactly enough seats for 10 people, so Cas had been quickly moved into Zuho's lap while Jaeyoon had pulled Chani into his. Cas had hummed happily, pulling Chani's hand into her's to play with his fingers as they drove on. All of the pack seemingly content to just enjoy each other's company in silence. Something that really set Cas at ease to see.

When they pull up outside a club, Cas gasps quietly, turning to stare at the row of people behind her. All of the members smile wide at her excitement, though Zuho grunts a bit when Cas starts squirming in his lap.

"Now, Cas..." Inseong says from the front seat, turning back to look at her, but stops when Zuho sends him a look.

The youngest beta takes Cas's chin in one hand, pulling her to look at him. Her wide smile falling slightly at his serious face. "I'm gonna explain some things and I need you to wait until I'm done to make any judgements or decisions, Okay?"

She nods and whispers, "Okay..."

Zuho smiles tightly and places his forehead against her, the two leaning into each other and creating their own small bubble, "We very much want to court you Cas. You are everything we've been looking for and then some. We planned on setting forward our intention as soon as we heard about you. I need you to remember that, okay?" She nods, brows furrowing a bit, as Zuho takes a deep breath, "Our company got wind of our intentions and have tried to twist this into something promotional. We're a smaller group, so in their eyes, getting linked into something with some of the biggest names in the industry can only be a good thing. We didn't realize what they were doing until after we revealed our original plan for our date with you. That's why, if you look outside, you'll see there's paparazzi standing around right now."

Cas turns to look quickly and sees that he's right. Her shoulders rise to her ears and a frown comes to her lips. Zuho rubs a hand up and down her back, trying to calm down the visible tension in her shoulders, "It's why we added the dinner first. Our company didn't know about that. We wanted to be able to experience something with just you and us. If you're not comfortable with going in there, we won't make you. We can leave before anyone even realizes we're here and just head back to the den." he finishes in a bit of a rush.

Cas tilts her head, looking back at Zuho after studying the area outside their windows. "I have some questions." She says, not really making eye contact with anyone, instead turning to stare off at the club instead.

"Go for it." Zuho prompts her.

"Was there a reason you brought me to this particular club?"

All eyes turn to Hwiyoung who's face heats up considerably, "I... um... well..." He closes his eyes and rushes out, "I brought it up as a good idea because you had a lot of pictures posted on your Instagram over the years being here. So, you'd probably be comfortable here, which all the research I saw said it's really important to make sure au... people are comfortable with the public places you're taking them to."

She stares at him, raising a finger and poking at air, "Putting a pin in my other questions for a minute to address the new ones that caused. You stalked my Instagram?" She asks.

"Not stalked." Hwiyoung whines, "Investigated for information."

Cas chuckles a little bit, "And your other research about comfort in public spaces?"

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