Chapter 46

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"Oh... that's not a good face." Joshua offers from across the table. The members had been glancing at Cas every so often to check how she was reacting to the foods presented to her. Multiple heads turn to watch as Cas's face screws up and she starts sticking her tongue out while shaking her head.

The plate is quickly pushed away and she burrows into Wonwoo's side. Other members of the pack start laughing as they hear her muttering into the alpha's shoulder, "Ew. ew. ew."

Wonwoo tenses up, trying to keep his face purposely blank as he asks, "So that one's a no then?"

She pulls back, a full body shiver as the taste is still on her tongue, "That one is a hell no. I don't know what that is, but I want nothing to do with that ever." She shivers again, looking back at the other options in front of her and not feeling too hopeful about trying something else right now. A pout starts to form on her face as she doesn't want to let it go to waste.

"Why don't you come over here for a bit?" DK coos at her while patting the spot between him and Woozi. The small alpha is leaning into Hoshi right now, who gives her a bright smile as he continues to rub a hand up and down Woozi's side.

Cas looks up at Wonwoo who smiles, "Go on. We're not supposed to let you keep going with any of these anyways." He points at the form, "See, it says right here that if you have a super negative reaction to one of the flavors we're supposed to flag them down so they can remove it from your tasting menu."

She nods at his response, giving a quick squeeze to his forearm before pulling away and getting up to walk around the table. She sits down softly next to DK, trying not to disturb Woozi who still hasn't looked up at her, but his ears have gone red. She tries not to let it bug her, instead turning towards DK to engage in conversation.

The beta is quick to pull her into his side, bringing a piece of meat up to her mouth and saying with a smile, "Here, this should help get rid of the aftertaste." She huffs a small laugh, opening up to let him feed her as she leans more fully into his side.

After a few bites her nose tilts up instinctively to take in his scent, humming contently at the happy scent that bursts forward. Cas stays like that with her eyes closed, unaware that DK is smirking at the rest to the pack, many of whom start rolling their eyes at him.

She pulls back, blinking slowly at the room. Glancing to the side she sees Woozi is still turned away from her and Hoshi is leaned over trying to whisper into his ear.

Cas looks back a DK who turns when he feels her attention on him, bringing his nose to rest against her's. Her eyes widen at his unexpected undivided attention and DK mimics her asking softly, "Yes Cas?"

She swallows, trying not to lose focus when his eyes dart down to her lips and throat before trailing back up to meet her gaze, a smirk now on his face."Is... is he okay?" She stutters out softly.

Dk tilts his head to look behind her. She watches as his face flits to a concerned expression before he quickly switches back to a smile. He turns back to look at her, "Woozi is fine, Cas. Thank you for being concerned, though."

"He... He doesn't smell fine. He smells sad." Cas offers. She looks away from DK and asks softly, "Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to if I did."

Her chin is grabbed so that she looks right at DK. His face has switched from the normal carefree smile to a much more serious expression, "You did nothing wrong Cas. If anything Woozi did. He wasn't paying attention when he ordered and got a drink that had way too much alcohol in it."

There's a whine behind them and Cas shifts to look. Hoshi is half smiling half grimacing at her, "He's embarrassed. He always gets super sad when he's had too much to drink and is trying to hide it cause he wanted to make a good first impression."

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