Chapter 22

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Author Note:

I know I've been updating this a lot. Don't worry I do have updates planned for the other stories. This one is just talking to me the loudest.

I keep identifying with the  lyrics, "Why do you write like you're running out of time?" for this one. It's nothing serious for me(aka. don't read in to this). It just feels like I'm in a race against time with this story of just needing it to be on paper now. Something is pushing me to get these words out there, but I don't know what. Maybe it's because I know where this story is going and I want to get there as quickly as possible. I'm not sure. Regardless here's the next chapter. 


December 2019

Cas had spent her week in the office for another heat alone. She'd come home exhausted only to have someone knocking on the door bright and early the next morning.

She yanked the door open, a hiss already coming from her mouth, only to stop short when she saw who was there. BamBam and Youngjae were standing in front of her with smiles on their faces.

Cas took a moment to process what she was seeing before launching herself at the two, "What are you doing here?! I thought you were still on tour."

Youngjae laughs, "Silly little omega protégé. We got back the middle of last week. Tried to contact you but were told you were super busy with work. So, we came today to kidnap you."

"Not that this isn't amazing already, but did the rest of the pack come?" She asks, peaking around the corner of the door to look for them.

BamBam shakes his head, "No, this is a bit of a chaos mission as I understand it. Youngjae has something planned, claimed an omega trip and when he told me that he was trying to start some shit I was all in to join as the chaperone."

"Start some shit?" Cas asks while looking at the older omega.

Youngjae smirks, "Get a discrete outfit on and come on. We have a covert operation to do."


Youngjae had brought them to a salon. The front windows were completely blacked out and the sign on the door said closed. He knocked a couple of times and they waited. The door opened, someone looking through the slot before waving them inside.

As they stepped in Cas stared around star struck at the upscale boutique. She turns back to the two smirking men, "How did you manage this?"

Youngjae comes up and hugs her, "Perks of being a famous kpop group. Most places are more than willing to open just for us. When I explained what I was looking for the owner was very inclined to agree."

Bambam moves to lounge on a couch as Youngjae drags Cas over, "And what exactly are we doing, oh great bringer of chaos?" Cas chuckles at Bambam's comment. The alpha smiles and whispers, "No one else knows it, but he's really the cause of anything that goes wrong. Any idea for a prank that happens in our group has our omega's fingerprints all over it."

Youngjae huffs, but doesn't deny it, making Cas laugh more, "Fine. We're here to help Cas pick out a dress. I may have managed to get an extra invite for our group for the MAMA awards next week. So, she'll be coming with us."

"WHAT!?" Cas yells. Turning to stare at him wide eyed.

Youngjae smiles, reaching out to pet her head, "They keep you so closed up and isolated. I thought you might enjoy meeting some of the other industry people. Your identification will say that you're with our group, no one need know that you're BTS's omega. In fact, the current story is you're one of the friends I made in college and we're reconnecting. You'll be backstage, no cameras. You just get to enjoy things in person and maybe make some more friends who you can talk to."

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