Chapter 3 - The Continuous Encounter

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“Thank you,” I said as I regained my balance. Glad the other glass was still in my hand and not broken, I sighed. He released me, and as he took a look at me again, seemed to recognize me.

“Ah, you’re the girl from earlier? Sorry for the basketball incident back then. Are you all right?” 

I waved my hands in front of me, “No, no, it’s fine, I’m alright.”

He turned over to the girl called out to me earlier, who suddenly looked as pale as a ghost.

“Hey, Ruth, what were you doing just now?!” He walked towards her, stopping before her and towering over her. She didn’t let out a peep, likely afraid, since her 'friends' didn't show any signs of helping her.

“You tried to trip her, didn’t you??” He awaited an answer, but she said nothing while holding her head down in shame and embarrassment.

“Let me put it this way,” he continued, “you should apologize for what you did!"

Speaking in a calm but stern tone, like a teacher reprimanding a student would. Some students started to gather around at the commotion, making the girl, who I learned is named Ruth, only slink back further.

“Uhm…” She spoke, looking back for any signs of support, but getting none.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking when you stood up and… it was an accident, I didn’t mean it.” She managed to make up an excuse but rolled her eyes dismissively towards me.

Well, not like I expected the girl who bullied my friend to be genuinely apologetic.

“Yeah, it’s fine,” I answered and started to walk away from this ordeal to get the other glass of iced tea back to my friend, who was waiting for me inside the infirmary.

The guy from before caught up to me as I turned away.

“Ah, and thank you,” I said and nodded at him in acknowledgment.

By the time he looked like trying to say something, I had taken my leave.

Once I got back, my friend seemed to light up upon seeing me. I handed her a drink while I took a seat beside her on the bed.

"Archie, let's go home together today. My brother he will-"

I stopped her before she could continue. "Lily, thank you but I still have things to do later, here, at school. Maybe we can do it another day."

She looked disappointed at the rejection. For a moment, she fell quiet before meekly asking me a question.

"Emm, Why did you help me? Why did you put yourself in danger? I can't understand."

"You could have walked away and pretended not to look…like everyone else."

Her voice choked up a little, her eyes began watering. I wasn't sure how to reply to this torrent of emotions she let out. I don't know what she went through, nor was I that close to her, only having talked a couple of times before. I don't have friends at school, using it only as a place to study. I didn't know how to reply.

The school bell struck 4 times, marking the end of the day. Out in the halls, I heard students chattering from the hallway.

“I’ll stay with you until your brother comes to pick you up,” I said to Lily while putting my hand on her leg. Leaving her like this, while Ruth and the others could still be out there would be irresponsible of me.

Not long after, as we sat in an awkward, but comfortable silence, a teacher entered the room informing Lily. Her brother had arrived and was waiting in the teacher’s lounge. Me and Lily followed after.

“Brother…” She said to a guy who despite looking young, had a mature feel to him.

“Oh, Lily!” He replied in a gentle, soothing voice. There was tension and worry on his face.

“Mr. George already told me about what happened, we’ll take the day off tomorrow to get some rest if you’re okay with that.” He walked toward us and hugged his little sister dearly.

Then he turned to face me.

“...And this must be your savior friend, right?" He said softly. “I’m Vincent, Lily’s brother as you may know. I wanted to thank you for helping Lily out today. I’m grateful for what you did.” While extending his hand out to me.

“Oh please, don’t be. I just happened to be there.” I greet his hand politely.

My face flushed with embarrassment at the sudden praise. Or perhaps stunned with his tender smile.

“If you’d like, I could take you home together with us." He offered in a kind manner where it almost felt rude to refuse.

Before I could reply, Lily answered for me. “I already asked her, but Archie said she can’t, brother.  She has things to do.”

“That's right, I already have a prior appointment to discuss with our homeroom teacher regarding the social activity program.”

I followed up on that, so they know I’m not refusing out of ill will.

As if on cue, at that moment our homeroom teacher, Ms. Bianca, entered the room.

“Archie?!’re already here...I've heard about what happened with you and Lily, are you alright?!... If you’d prefer, we can reschedule our talk for tomorrow instead.” She said looking very worried, almost frantic.

“Oh, Good afternoon Ms. Bianca...Yes, I'm fine, Lily has had it worse than I did," I replied, unsure as to why those questions were directed at me in particular.

“Good afternoon Ms. Bianca. I’m Vincent, Lily’s brother.” He introduced himself. “By the way, I’ve spoken to Mr. George about Lily taking a day off tomorrow if that is alright with you."

“Oh of course! After what happened... I know all too well the struggles of being a teenager and dealing with these sorts of things... Please rest well at home, Lily.”

“Thank you, Ms. Bianca. All right then we shall take our leave...Lily, come here”

“Archie, Ms. Bianca…See you later.” After they said their farewells, they parted ways with us, leaving me and Ms. Bianca in the room.

“Well...are you sure you’re still fine, Archie?” Ms. Bianca continued to ask me. Then after making sure nobody would be hearing us, she said.

“I think The headmaster already called your father.”

“Ms. Bianca, I’m fine; yes, of course, I know that will happen. I’ll tell my father and my mother after coming home.”

She and I agreed to stop talking about this and started our plan to discuss the charity programs for our annual school fair event.

“We’ll be also using the basketball team for it. Souvenirs, donations, and a public match that people could attend are the central ideas. By the way, the basketball team captain should join us in a minute.”

Not long after, someone knocked at the door and Ms. Bianca replied.

“Yes, Seth, is that you? please come in.”

After he entered she offered him a seat beside me. As our eyes met, we both spoke at the same time with the same surprised voice.

“It’s you again?!”

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