Chapter 310: Cave, Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Emily heard the scream and pinned herself against the rock wall. "What was that?"

Indy saw something in the supernatural being dragged by the apkallu's servants, torn and shredded. "Looks... like... Edo's... second in command... Chiba..."

Shorty couldn't see anything in the darkness. "LIZAVET!" He bellowed into the cave's once again silence.

There was a thud and then the screaming stopped.

A grinding rock noise filled the cavern as they braced themselves for another earthquake.

"Ack! What's that smell?" Shorty coughed.

Indy shut his eyes against the memories of Nazi death camps. "That's what hell smells like. Burning flesh, human suffering and ash."

Emily stared frozen to the spot. "There was an opening. It went into an opening. Are we gonna have to go in there, Dad?"

"I don't know, Em.

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