Chapter 255: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


A grin flickered across Indy's face as he watched Emily. She'd inherited Marion's fearless sass and she had his physical strength to back it up. The question was - would those things be enough to face the apkallu and win?

Lizavet stood frozen. She reached for Indy's hand as another snake-headed, multiple-eyed, darkened, evil, misshapen, monstrous beast lusted after her, flicking its tongue outward.

"You are horrible!" She cried, backing away, bumping into Shorty's chest.

Indy blocked the creature's gaze, stepping in front of Lizavet. "Shorty, hold Lizavet. Keep her safe."

"How?" Shorty stammered. "We can't hurt them! Or they multiply!"

"I don't know! You'll think of something!" Indy turned from Shorty and Lizavet. "Where's Em?"

The council of apkallu grinned.

Indy realized the affront had been an exploitation of Lizavet's fear to distract them... for the real prize: Emily Jones. His pint sized Marion and archaeologist treasure hunter shadow was gone!

"We have her, Dr. Jones," the second in command of the apkallu rumbled. "Your daughter belongs to us."

Indy wanted to fear. Then he remembered... and laughed. "Apkallu - my daughter belongs to no one unless she chooses them. She'll be just fine. It's you who are going to regret angering a father."

"Why is that, Dr. Jones?"

Indy grinned. "Because my daughters know how to fight. And they take after their mother." His grin got wider. "I'm sure you've heard about Marion Ravenwood's fury from all the Nazis she's sent to hell."

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