Chapter 307: Unseen Realm, Underworld, Citadel of the Apkallu

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Unseen Realm


Citadel of the Apkallu

The Treasure Guardian stood casually appraising the rebellious apkallu, his green eyes lit with raging fire. "You don't get to take hostages."

"She's our woman! She's on our turf!"

"I'm your prison warden. You have no turf. You have no rights. You cannot have the people I would give my life for." He swung the sword at the apkallu's throat.

"You can't kill us, Treasure Guardian! Its not time yet!"

"I stand outside of time. And you will die like the humanity you despise." He offered his hand. "Lizavet," the Treasure Guardian smiled. "Come with me, hon."

"Am I dead?" She moved toward her rescuer.

"Not at all."

Lizavet looked under the Treasure Guardian's fedora which shadowed his face. "You're... you're not Papa! I thought you were Papa! The hat... the coat... the whip... the sword...!"

"I had to give you a face you'd recognize and remember when you saw it again, that way you'd know who to trust," the Treasure Guardian explained. "Would you have trusted a male American stranger otherwise?"

"No. I would not have trusted." She took his hand. "But... you have the Seventh Sword of Diya."

He chuckled and grinned. "Yes, I do. Edo will be very surprised."

The Seven Swords of Diya: An Indiana Jones Fan Fiction - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now