Chapter 290: Kamchatka Wilderness, Soviet Union, 1960

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Kamchatka Wilderness

Soviet Union


Lizavet rolled to the side, bumping against Shorty and fired.

The bullet hit the underside of the plane.

Fuel began dumping.

Shorty sat up, throwing his arms around her. "You hit the gas line?"

Lizavet frowned. "I could have shot the pilot - but you had to save me!"

"Nobody can shoot a pilot from the ground - with a Colt .38."

"Forty-five," Emily corrected. "I carry a forty-five. Anything smaller would make me a damsel in distress when it counted."

"Incoming!" Indy yelled, pointing.

The plane circled... the pilot seeing Indy, Emily, Shorty and Lizavet.

Lizavet stood against them.

The pilot spoke into the radio.

Edo's voice crackled through the speaker in Japanese, giving the order to kill.

Lizavet raised Emily's pistol and fired calmly.

A shot went through the cockpit glass and into the pilot's skull. The pilot slumped against the joystick. The plane pivoted, veering toward the lake.

There was a massive explosion of a toxic underground reservoir of flammable fossil fuels.

Shorty stared at the flames. "The bouncy ground had... flammables in it?"

"And fire is coming this way," Indy growled, tugging at Emily's hand. "C'mon, Em. Lizavet? Which way?"

Lizavet watched the sky fill with smoke and ash. The second plane was still circling. "It will have one more load of flammables."

"Why doesn't it just drop it and kill us?" Shorty yelled, coughing, watching the walls of fire encircle them.

"They want to chase us," Lizavet answered.

"Dad?" Emily asked, squeezing Indy's hand, her eyes still blindfolded, "I can feel the heat and smell the smoke. We'd better run."

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