Chapter 67 To Tell or Not To Tell

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After school ended,  Jason drove Kendra home like he usually did.  Still tense from the argument between Reese and David, Jason thought about how he could reconcile the too quickly. It hurt him to see the two at odds with each other.

"So what happened? I got bits and pieces of it." Kendra asked.

" Well, you probably already know this but Larissa's older sister, Danielle, was dating Reese's older brother, Brian. Brian ended up cheating on her and when she confronted him about it, I guess things got out of control and he pushed her."

Kendra's jaw dropped. "Oh my gosh"

"Yea. And so Larissa wanted to fight Brian but David tried to talk her out of it because obviously she can't fight a man. Then she asked him to fight Brian for her and her sister, but that's Reese's brother so he said "No". But then Larissa convinced him to drive to Reese's house yesterday after school. Brian comes outside and Larissa hits him and throws water on him." Kendra started to chuckle and so did Jason. "Brian called Larissa out her name and of course David stepped in and was about to fight Brian. Reese is in the middle of all of it. I feel for him. He just doesn't know what to do. Oh and it came out that Brian sells drugs but I already knew that" 

"Wow!! Thats crazy! How did you know Brian sold drugs? Did Reese tell you?"

"No Reese didn't even know. He found out yesterday. I saw Brian at the store a while back, standing next to this car. He was looking around, just acting suspicious and then I saw him hand this paper bag to a guy in the car and the guy handed him some money. When he walked away, me and him saw each other. I straight up asked him what he was doing in the area and he told me. He asked me not to say anything, so I just left it alone. I knew it would eventually come out."

"Dang. Its just been too much drama lately. First the fight with you and Eric.. and now this."

"I know. Its getting out of hand. I don't want us to lose sight of what's important. We need to focus on us and applying to college." He glanced at her and gently took hold of her hand, interlacing their fingers. "I'll slowly work on David and Reese and I know in time they'll be cool again. But me and you have to stay focused on us." Kendra nodded. "Did you apply to UH?" 

"Yes I did...the same day we talked about it." She smiled. "I'm just waiting to hear back" 

"Ok good. I'm waiting to hear back from UM too."

"Yea, me too. Make sure you apply to as many scholarships and grants as you can.  That school is expensive."  

"Tell me about it. I'll do that tonight. Hey, I want you to meet my parents tomorrow...It's time."

Alright then." She nodded and smiled. "Um..did you tell them that I'm black?"

Jason looked at her.  "No."

"You didn't tell them?"She raised her eyebrows.

"No. Was I supposed to?"

"Yes, Jason. Why wouldn't you tell them that?"

"Does it really matter?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

 "Of course it does."

"Why? I like you. I care about you. That's all that should matter."

"I agree. But do you think that's all that matters to your family?" Kendra raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Kendra. They don't care about your race. I talk about you all the time. They know how much I like you, and that's all they're concerned about."

Kendra raised an eyebrow. "You talk about me all the time, but you forgot to mention the most obvious thing about me to your family?"

Jason let out a deep sigh. "Kendra..."

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