Chapter 66 My Brother's Keeper

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After Larissa dropped David off, she drove home. It was about 4:45 when she arrived. She wasn't expecting her mom home until eight o'clock.  

The clock ticked closer to eight o'clock and Larissa was already in bed pretending to be asleep. 

At 9 pm, Mrs.Moore barged in her room yelling. "Get up right now!"

Larissa shot up in bed with shock on her face 

"What is this about you going to Brian's mother house and acting like a complete fool, trying to fight him?!"

"Did you not hear that he pushed Danielle?!"

"I heard it! But what gives you the right to go out acting like a hood rat?! A hot ghetto mess! Have you lost your mind?!"

"Mom he pushed Danielle!" Larissa raised her hands. 

"You take that to your father or the police! You dont go around actin like a hoodlum, showing up at people's house!"

Danielle heard the commotion and came to the door. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Your sister here decided to go beat up Brian. And what's this about him pushing you? Why didn't you tell me and your father?" 

Danielle looked down. "I just...I don't know I was embarassed."

"Embarassed ?!"

"Mom he cheated on me, ok! I was embarassed to tell you and Dad, because you guys liked him so much. You thought he was perfect. And I was embarassed. I wanted yall to think I was in this perfect relationship but it was anything but perfect. He cheated on me the whole time and I found out he sells weed."

Evelyn gasped. "Oh my goodness! I cannot believe this!" She covered her cheeks. "Brian?! He seemed like such a charming young man"

"Well he fooled us all Mom." Danielle said. "David is actually a good catch. He loves Larissa and you need to see that and accept it."

"This has nothing to do with David! Nothing at all !" Mrs.Moore shouted. "My dear baby, I'm so sorry" Mrs.Moore drew Danielle into a hug, cradling her head against her chest. "Are you ok?" She pulled away from her to examine Danielle's face. 

"Yes Mom I'm ok" Danielle looked down. 

Mrs.Moore directed her attention back to Larissa. "As for you young lady! You're grounded! You will not leave this house except for school and dance practice for the next 2 weeks! Do you hear me?!"

"But Mo--"

"Do you hear me?!" Mrs.Moore repeated.

"Yes mam" 

"Mom she was trying to help me" Danielle protested. 

"Zip it! I dont wanna hear it! No daughter of mine will go around acting like a hood rat. I taught you both better than that. Do I need to sign you up for etiquette classes again?!"

"No mam" Larissa shook her head. 

"Good night!"


Lunch time came and Kendra and Jason were the first at the table, sitting next to each other and chatting. 

"Did you sense they were acting a little weird yesterday?" Kendra asked.

"Yea, I'll tell you why later on"

"Ok. Is everything ok?"

"..Nah..its not" Jason admitted. David had called him to give him the run down on what had happened. 

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