Chapter 64 My Sister's Keeper Part 1

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Monday November 6 2023


Danielle was still struggling with the aftermath of what Brian had done. The pain was still very fresh and she found herself retreating to the restroom multiple times a day to cry. She was heartbroken. She had given her heart to Brian, despite the rumors, despite the reservations, only for him to break it. The way he spoke to her and the way he pushed her kept replaying in her mind. And then there was the image of the girl on his phone that kept flashing in her mind. What did she have that she didn't? Did he think she was prettier? Did he think she was more fun? She remembered he had called her boring as he walked past her as she wept on the floor. 

She wanted to make Brian suffer. She was also angry at this girl too. She hated women who broke up other women's relationships. She couldn't hold back anymore. She was going to give her a call. 

Danielle grabbed her phone off the dresser and began to dial her number. 

"Hello" Danielle said. 

"Hello who is this?" 

"My name is Danielle, who are you?"

"Uhh..Valentina. I think you have the wrong number". 

"Wait!" Danielle said hastily, not wanting her to hang up. "No I don't...Um do you know Brian?" 

"Brian? I know a B.A., but his real name is Brian, why?"

"Well, the Brian I'm talking about, I'm sure you know who he is because your picture was in his phone. You sent him a picture of you in a cowgirl costume on Halloween" 

 "Ohh...yea" she chuckled. "So um why are you asking?" 

 "I'm asking cause he's...he was my man, until I found your picture in his phone. Did you know he had a girlfriend? "

 "Uh..No. He never mentioned that to me. There wasn't really a need to.  Me and B.A. are just friends. He's basically my weed guy" she chuckled.

 "Weed guy??" Danielle's face contorted into a confused expression.

"Yea, he has been for a while now"

Danielle sighed. "Ok. Have you slept with him?" 

"...Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. We have had sex a few times". 

Danielle felt her heart break all over again. 

"Hello?" Valentina asked. Danielle felt a lump in her throat and she was on the brink of bursting into tears but she held it together. 

" long have you been sleeping with him?" 

"About 2 months now. It's nothin serious. Like I said, he's just my weed guy that I happen to find cute. And plus he's a big flirt. Its not like I was tryin to get with him or anything. " 

"So he never said anything about having a girlfriend?" Danielle asked again.


Danielle nodded and quickly hung up the phone. She was livid and hurt. She couldn't hold back any longer and she bursted into tears. This was the most hurt she had ever felt. She really had trusted Brian. 

At 5:30, Larissa arrived at home and ascended the stairs. She headed straight to Danielle's room to check on her. Once again, she found her curled up on the bed, clutching her pillow, and sobbing.

Larissa's expression grew somber at the sight of her sister and she joined her on the bed.

" gotta get up. You can't let this sorry ass nigga have you in the bed like this. You too pretty for this sis."

Love and Football (BWWM Interracial Love Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum