The next morning Eros looked at himself to make sure he was still a Sandshrew; He was, but he found his scarf was tattered from magical abuse. He wrapped it around himself anyways, keeping memory of everything Cerci said to and not to do. He then woke Sicily and proceeded to walk towards the desert, only slightly deterred by the sandstorm. Due to the intensity of the weather, it had appeared to be night at one point, the clouds of sand casting a massive shadow around the two. About ten minutes of walking and a bit of luck brought the two to the tower, where they saw many intricate designs on the grey bricks and statues that circle the tower until the top, where a bell darkened with age stood. At the base was a human-sized gate filled with a white fog, as well as three Pokemon: a Floette, an Eevee and a Totodile.

What really shocked the two was that both the Eevee and the Totodile both wore pink scarves similar to the one Eros had. "This is the place," whispered Sicily. The two walked up to the crowd of Pokemon, to which it seemed the Eevee and the Totodile were talking to the Floette.

The first to be heard was the Eevee, speaking over the wind, "So is this the place?"

The Totodile spoke after, "Don't worry about paying us. We're here for the sake of good, right Eevee?"

The Eevee smiled sheepishly at the Totodile. As the two were about to enter, all three Pokemon noticed Eros and Sicily walk up. The Floette turned to the two, while the Eevee and Totodile stopped and looked on with caution. The Floette started the conversation with a "How may I help you?"

Sicily spoke up, "We're here to check out the bell tower. May we go in?"

The Totodile acted next, stating, "Don't worry. We've got this."

Sicily responded, "Oh, and who might you be?"

The Eevee smiled and pullout an odd bronze pendant, followed by the Totodile, who said harmoniously: "We are Team Super Angel of the Adventurer's Guild!"

Eros suddenly awoke his sarcastic side and whispered to Sicily, "These guys seem like pricks."

"Give them a chance, Eros." Then, raising her voice, spoke to the... 'Adventurers'... and said, "Mind if we join you?"

The Totodile was about to say something with a negative tone before the Eevee chirped in, "Sure guys! A helping hand never hurts. Just be careful, this IS a mystery dungeon." The Totodile was clearly annoyed by this but refused to say anything. The four walked into the white fog, sharing their objectives for their journey.

The Eevee started by admitting, "We're really here because our guild gave us a special mission. They said there was a weird artifact called the 'Humanity Stone'. They say a Honchkrow flew up there and is summoning a powerful demon." Oddly enough, the Eevee stood on its rear legs and moved its paws for effect while telling this short tale.

Sicily spoke for both her and Eros when she said, "We're here to stop this sandstorm. I used to live here. I know personally that this tower used to have a cursed statue in it. We've heard nothing about the stone or Honchkrow, though. And this place was holy, so a demon could never be summoned here."

The Totodile looked uneasily at Eros and Sicily while the four walked. Totodile's suspicions increased as he heard Eros blab out loud, "Cursed statues? White fog gates? Bell towers? Humanity? Sounds like a game called Dark-"

Sicily interrupted too late, "EROS!"


The Totodile looked at Eros with a harsh smile and a look of satisfaction, but not after Eevee joined in the ritual, "Wait, that sounds familiar... Oh! I know! That was a super hard video game, right?"

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