Chapter 10: The Start of the Internships

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Several weeks later…
Southern Water Tribe

Team Nidoria had exited Protector-Training Island for the first time. The reason for that was because they were to attend 1-week Internships. The thing was, Team Nidoria received offers from different Pro Protectors, so they had to split up. Eventually, they reached their destinations.

Right now, Gianso hopped off the boat that was ridden by the Pro Protector named “Nuka” and landed on the snowy land of the Southern Water Tribe.

Gianso was geared up with his blue coat with white fluffs on its edges. He also wore blue pants, dark blue boots and dark blue gloves with claws made of gray fabric attached to it with black thread. Around his neck was a necklace filled with white sharp teeth. He also wore his brown backpack.

Nuka was a woman with brown skin, dark brown hair tied to a high ponytail and blue eyes. She wore a blue coat with white fluffs on the edges. She also wore blue pants, dark blue gloves and dark blue boots. In her right hand was a pickaxe.

As Nuka and Gianso walked through the lands of snow, Nuka was the first to speak up.

“I’m glad you accepted my offer, Ultrafighter. I observed how you passed the exams. Your hand-to-hand combat skills are impressive.”

Gianso turned to Nuka and smiled. “Thank you very much!”

“No problem,” Nuka said, smiling in return. “However…”

Gianso raised her eyebrow in confusion. “However what?”

“I haven’t seen you use any weapon,” Nuka stated.

“Seriously?” Gianso asked, surprised.

“Yes. Seriously,” Nuka said. “That’s why I gave you an offer… so that I can teach you how to use various weapons and be prepared when you face an enemy with weaponry skills.”

A big smile appeared on Gianso’s face. “That’s great! When do we start?”

“Right now,” Nuka said with a smile as she came to a stop.

Gianso came to a stop, too. He turned to what’s straight ahead of him. His eyes widened as he was face-to-face with a village full of igloos and the people of the Southern Water Tribe. A few people were seen running, playing, working and living happily. The rest were working to make the Southern Water Tribe brand new. Viewing this made Gianso smile and chuckled.

“Let’s go over there,” Nuka said, pointing in the northwest direction.

Gianso followed Nuka’s gaze. Then, he was met with a snowy field with a small icy pond nearby. Beside the pond was a weapon rack. From his perspective, it looked like a bunch of sticks with silver things ontop.

“That’s where we’ll train,” Nuka said.

“Ah, I see,” Gianso said.

Nuka let out a hum as she nodded. “Let’s go.”

“Oh, sure. Let’s go,” Gianso said.

With that, Nuka and Gianso walked towards the snowy field where they’ll train during the Internships.


Near Fire Nation Colonial Village, Fire Nation

Bokio was geared up in his red shirt with dark red vest, brown pants, black boots and his brown backpack. He hopped off the ship, along with Flame-Lady. Their feet landed on the Fire Nation lands. Then, they travelled to one of the Fire Nation villages by foot.

The Protectors: A Hero's Heart (Book 1: Growth; An A:TLA Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora