Chapter 12: Investigation

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Silence occurred in the air as Bokio and Flame-Lady stood in front of each other. A surprised expression appeared on Flame-Lady’s face. Then, a few seconds later, she turned her head towards the ground.

Bokio, on the other hand, felt concerned for Flame-Lady. Part of him was starting to regret approaching her, but he knew he had to apologize. It’s now or never, he thought.

Bokio took a deep breath and exhaled again. “Flame-Lady, I have come to tell you that… I’m sorry,” he said. Tears filled his eyes, but he managed to hold them in. You could hear his voice getting slightly croaky. “I’m sorry for lashing out at you earlier. I should’ve listened and understood you, then talked things out.”

Upon hearing this, Flame-Lady’s tears filled her eyes, but she managed to hold them in. A few seconds later, she turned to Bokio and shook her head. “No, it was me who should apologize,” she said as she walked around the campfire and halted beside him on his left. “I should’ve considered your ideas more, listened to you and not been harsh to you. I didn’t know what got into me earlier.”

“It’s alright, Flame-Lady. I accept. I didn’t know what got into me either,” Bokio said.

A few moments later, Flame-Lady pulled Bokio into a hug. Bokio immediately hugged her back. Their eyes closed as tears finally streamed down their cheeks. Flame-Lady stroke Bokio’s back for comfort. Simultaneously, Bokio did the same to Flame-Lady’s back.

After about one minute, Bokio and Flame-Lady pulled away from the hug. They wiped their own tears. After that, Bokio asked Flame-Lady, “So, do you wanna talk about it?”

“‘Bout what?” Flame-lady asked, confused and curious at the same time.

“About why you believe a Protector works alone unless you get help from other Protectors,” Bokio answered.

Flame-Lady was surprised for a moment. Then, after a few moments, she nodded. “Okay. Let’s sit around the campfire, then we’ll talk.”

Bokio nodded. “Alright.”

With that, Bokio and Flame-Lady sat around the campfire.

After a few moments of silence, Flame-Lady spoke. “When I was a lil’ gal, I used to have help from my friends.”



Fall 82 AG
Fire Nation Capital, Fire Nation
Flame-Lady (7 years old)

A young Flame-Lady reached out her right hand to pick up the green cloth from the river’s edge while holding  the tree’s big root with her left hand and her left toe on the rocks near the river’s edge. A slight pain occurred in her body as she tried to reach further, but it was unsuccessful.

Young Flame-Lady was wearing a maroon shirt with mahogany pants and black shoes.

“One time, they helped me pick up a cloth from the river’s edge. The cloth fell on the river’s edge. That cloth was special. It belonged to my mother. I tried reaching for it, but it was not successful. But then, a few minutes later…” Flame-Lady narrated.

“Hey!” a young female voice said.

Flame-Lady turned her head to see two young girls.

The first girl had light skin with dark brown hair tied to a ponytail and orange eyes. She was wearing her pink dress with maroon slippers. She had a bright optimistic smile on her face.

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