Chapter 15: Resistance

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Ryoske and Shang-Yo seemed to be clashing with each other with waterbending, punches and kicks. In reality, Aguto controlled their bodies to fight each other.

Worried expressions appeared on Ryoske’s and Shang-Yo’s faces. Then, they attempted to resist Aguto’s bloodbending. Unfortunately, they couldn’t as they felt like it was too powerful. That led them to wonder. Is tonight the full moon?

Ryoske’s and Shang-Yo’s eyes glanced at the sky to see if the moon was full. As they did, they caught a glimpse of a crescent moon. Their eyes widened in shock. A crescent moon? they thought in unison. Tonight’s the crescent moon and Aguto is this powerful? What kind of waterbender is he? How can we counterattack his bloodbending?

Ryoske and Shang-Yo thought of a plan to counterattack Aguto’s bloodbending. All while trying to resist its power continuously.

Eventually, an idea popped into Shang-Yo’s head. He may not know how to counterattack a bloodbender, but he knew there’s a way to keep him from moving around.

And so, Shang-Yo tried to practice his bloodbending on himself. It was not taught to him by Aguto, but he knew he could try it. He used his mind to manipulate his own blood in his body. He attempted to do so many times, but again, Aguto’s bloodbending was too powerful.

After so many attempts, Shang-Yo’s hand finally moved freely. A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Shang-Yo lowered his hand and drove the excess water he used to fight Ryoske towards Aguto. Aguto took notice of this. Before he could do anything, his whole body was engulfed in water. Shang-Yo blew in Aguto’s direction. As a result, the water that’s engulfing Aguto was turned into ice.

Shang-Yo and Ryoske dropped to the ground. they rose back on their feet and ran to each other. When they did, they shared a hug. A split second later, they pulled away.

“Ryo, you good?” Shang-Yo asked Ryoske.

Ryoske nodded. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

With that, both Ryoske and Shang-Yo turned to the frozen Aguto. A gut feeling immediately occurred in Shang-Yo. He turned to Ryoske.

“Go get the guards in the village. I’ll watch over Aguto. He might not be frozen for long,” Shang-Yo said.

Ryoske nodded immediately. With that, he ran to the Fire Nation village to warn the Fire Nation guards.

Shang-Yo turned to Aguto and kept his glaring eyes on him. Whenever he saw the ice break, he would use his waterbending to place water on the cracked ice and transform it into ice.

Eventually, Ryoske returned with the Fire Nation guards. The guards took Aguto to the highest security prison in the Fire Nation. Boiling Rock. It was located on an island in the middle of the boiling lake, known for the history of unsuccessful escape attempts.

After watching the Fire Nation guards take Aguto to the Boiling Rock, Ryoske and Shang-Yo smiled in relief.

Once the Fire Nation guards and Aguto disappeared from their sight, Shang-Yo raised his head. Simultaneously, he raised his arms in a “V” position.

“Yes! We did it!” he exclaimed victoriously. He laid his arms down and turned to Ryoske with a big smile. “We escaped the clutches of Aguto!”

“Yeah! We did it!” Ryoske exclaimed with a friendly smile.

Ryoske’s and Shang-Yo’s smiles turned into wonder.

“So… what do we do now?” Ryoske asked.

“Hmm…” Shang-Yo laid his left hand on his chin as he went into deep thought. After a few seconds, he laid his hand down and turned to Ryoske with a serious expression. “Let’s pack our things and go back to Protector-Training Island. On our own.”

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