Chapter 16: How to Trust the Right People

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Both Huobano and Kugo faced their backs against each other. Then, they kneeled and lowered their heads. Both had determined expressions on their faces as they prepared themselves to fight each other in the mock Agni Kai.

A few minutes passed. Soon enough, Kugo and Huobano stood and turned towards each other. Then, they formed their fighting positions. After that, they waited until one of them made their first move while their determined eyes stared at each other.

After about thirty seconds, Kugo let out a battle cry as he launched his right fist in Huobano’s direction. Huobano evaded by moving to his right. Kugo blasted more flames in Huobano’s direction, but every time he did, he kept dodging.

“Die, Die, Die, DIE!!!” Kugo exclaimed as he kept launching more flames.

After about one minute, Huobano decided to perform an attack. He stretched out both his hands ahead of him and swiped them open. This created a stream of flames blasted in Kugo’s direction.

Upon seeing this, Kugo let out a yelp. “Whoa!”

Kugo jumped and flipped over the flames. He landed ahead just as the flames almost brushed against his skin. He charged forward to deliver a punch to Huobano’s stomach. Unfortunately, it was blocked by Huobano’s hand.

Huobano looked at Kugo and smirked at his victorious block. Kugo smirked at him back.

Confusion appeared in Huobano’s eyes. Before he could do anything, Kugo blasted his flames on Huobano’s feet. This caused Huobano to immediately jump over the flames. Then, he felt Kugo grabbing his right leg and was thrown to the ground.

As Huobano turned his body to look up at Kugo, he found him standing with a serious expression. Then, it turned to a confident smirk as he ignited his flames.

“Do it, Avagham!” Huobano exclaimed.

“Hehehe,” Kugo chuckled. “Alright. You asked for it!” Then, his confident smirk turned into anger. He let out a battle cry as he shot his flame forward. But it did not land on Huobano. Instead, it landed beside his head on his right.

A surprised expression appeared on Huobano’s face, but he decided to let things slide. He smirked. “You have outstanding firebending talent, Avagham, but there’s still a lot to learn about firebending.”

Huobano stood on his feet.

“Avagham, are you willing to learn more firebending and become a worthy Protector?” he asked with a proud smirk.

Kugo smirked determinedly. “Yeah! I’m ready for it, Huobano!”

“Good,” Huobano said. “Then, let’s get started with our first training lesson.”

With that, Kugo started learning his training lesson with Huobano.


Kugo stood in front of Huobano. He listened intently to his words with a serious expression.

"Your first firebending technique is called 'Blocking Fire.' It is used to put out flames from any firebender by using a swift kick, jab, or any other defensive maneuver, allowing them to stop attacks," Huobano explained. "For me to demonstrate, try and hit me with your firebending."

"Right," Kugo said, knowing what was about to happen.

Kugo positioned himself in his fighting form. His elbows were near the sides of his body and his flames ignited in his hands. His body and knees also bent. His right foot was slightly in the northeast direction and his left foot was slightly in the southwest direction. His serious expression met Huobano's smirk.

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