Chapter 2: The Journey Begins

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"What?!" Kugo, Morizhito and Huaiying reacted in shock.

Kugo had just turned to Nidoria as he heard her asking if she wanted herself and her family to travel all over the world. He ran towards her, Morizhito and Huaiying, to join in the conversation.

"You want us to go around the world?!" Morizhito asked.

Nidoria nodded. “Yes. I want to travel around the world, so that I can learn about different cultures, and especially combat skills and bending abilities. I want you guys to go with me, so that you won't worry about me and because it will help Kugo become the Protector.”

Morizhito let out a nervous laugh. He shook his head. “No. We can't do that, Nidoria,” he said.

“Why not?” Nidoria asked with a disappointed and sad look.

“It would take years before we finally explored the whole world. Mom and I might even die by the time we finished doing that,” Morizhito said.

“Yeah! And travelling for a super long time is gonna be so—” Kugo slouched with a bored expression. “— boring.”

Nidoria sighed as her head lowered in sadness. “Right. You have a point, dad and Kugo.”

“Yes,” Morizhito said. “We have a point.”

“Why would you ask such a thing?” Huaiying asked.

“And why would exploring the world help me become a Protector?” Kugo asked Nidoria.

“Like you, I want to be a Protector. Not just because I want to help the Avatar, but because I want to stand up for myself and others, do the right thing and save people with a smile on my face,” Nidoria explained. A warm smile and a slight blush appeared on her face. “And all this… was because of someone I met earlier.”

Morizhito and Huaiying could notice a slight blush on Nidoria’s cheeks. Something came to their minds, but they decided not to bring that up. Instead, Huaiying spoke of a slightly different topic.

“When I was training to become a Protector, I learned how to be one in a secret island, located in the middle of the largest ocean,” she said with a smile. “It's called ‘Protector-Training Island.’ When I trained there, I had to stay there until I graduated. Not unless I had work studies and internships.

“Nidoria…” Huaiying turned to Kugo. “...Kugo, if you really want to be Protectors, you have to stay in the Protector-Training Island and never leave it until you graduate, unless you have work studies and internships. It's a bit risky, but will you be willing to do it?”

Kugo nodded immediately. “Yes! If that's what it takes to be a Protector, then—” He made a forward punch with his right fist. “—I'm all in!”

Then, Kugo, Morizhito and Huaiying turned to Nidoria to hear her answer.

Nidoria went into deep thought. She knew it was risky to go to Protector-Training Island and stay there for a few years or more, but she also knew that it was the only way to learn how to become a Protector. After a few moments of deep thought, she turned to her parents and younger brother with a confident smile. “Yes. I will go to that island with Kugo.”

“Yes!” Kugo said, jumping for joy with his fists in the air.

Morizhito and Huaiying smiled at her children.

“And also…” Nidoria spoke.

“Hmm?” Morizhito, Huaiying and Kugo responded as they listened to what Nidoria was about to say.

“Can we invite our friends on our journey?” Nidoria asked.

The only response she received were dreadful expressions from her parents, and joy and happiness from Kugo.

The Protectors: A Hero's Heart (Book 1: Growth; An A:TLA Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now