Chapter 17: The Reason to be the Protector

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“Iroh’s in Ba Sing Se?!” Nidoria asked.

“Yes, Nidoria,” Morizhito said. Then, he turned to the note. “He also said that we need to go there immediately. It’s highly important.”

Concern and fear took over Huaiying because of her experience in Ba Sing Se. Her head slightly lowered as she covered her mouth and widened her eyes as images of her terrifying times in Ba Sing Se ran through her head. She and Morizhito had promised themselves to never go back there, but as the Protector, she knew she had to go there to help Iroh, even if it meant going to someplace she’s afraid of going. With that, Huaiying took a few steps towards Morizhito.

“The Dai Li could recognize us when we go there. We need to disguise ourselves,” Huaiying said.

Morizhito turned to Huaiying. “You are right, baby. As much as I don’t want to go back there, I have to do it for the sake of my best friend. We just have to put on our disguises and try to compose ourselves.”

“You don’t have to worry about going back, mom and dad,” Nidoria said, causing Morizhito and Huaiying to turn to her. Nidoria pointed her right thumb at herself with a smirk. “I’ve never been in Ba Sing Se and I’ve never experienced anything the Dai Li put me through.” Her smirk turned into concern as pointing at herself with her thumb switched to pointing at herself with her fingers. “I can also help you stay calm and relaxed during your mission to help Iroh, so please… let me help you, mom and dad.”

Morizhito and Huaiying turned to each other in concern. After a few seconds, they turned to Nidoria.

“Are you sure you can take this new challenge?” Morizhito asked her.

Nidoria nodded with a determined smirk. “Yes, dad. I’m sure of it.”

Morizhito went into deep thought. After a few moments, he nodded. “Very well, Yili. You may come with us, but you must promise to be careful.”

“I will,” Nidoria replied.

With that, Nidoria, Morizhito and Huaiying ran back to their home to prepare their things. They even prepared themselves clothing for disguises. After a few minutes, they ran towards Ba Sing Se.


Later that night…
Ba Sing Se, Earth Kingdom

Nidoria, Morizhito and Huaiying arrived in Ba Sing Se with their new clothing.

For Nidoria, she was wearing her chartreuse shirt with green pants, brown belt full of pouches and brown boots. For Huaiying, she was wearing her light green dress with a green clothing wrapped around her head and shoulder to prevent herself from being recognized. She also wore her pale green flats. Underneath her dress was her red kimono dress with a mahogany belt. The mahogany belt was attached with her silver-bladed katana with a maroon handle on it. For Morizhito, he was wearing a pale green shirt with green pants and brown shoes. He also wore a sombrero that covered most of his face, especially when his head was lowered down.

Nidoria, Morizhito and Huaiying ran around Ba Sing Se, looking for Iroh. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found. Soon after, one of the citizens of Ba Sing Se told them to look for the Earth King in the Earth Kingdom Royal Palace, located in the Upper Ring. There, they will warn him about what’s going on with them. He also said that he could lead them there. Nidoria, Morizhito and Huaiying bowed in thanks.

And so, Nidoria, Morizhito, Huaiying and the Ba Sing Se citizen ran towards the Earth Kingdom Royal Palace to warn the Earth King. When they arrived, Nidoria, Morizhito and Huaiying thanked the Ba Sing Se citizen for leading them to the Earth Kingdom Royal Palace. That’s when they parted ways with the citizen.

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