Helping to Look

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After Deku ran back to the scattered flyers, he then got onto his knees and began picking them up. Yet while picking them up, he suddenly saw two shadows looming over him. Seeing this he looked up and saw that it was Uraraka and Iida who are also holding a stack of flyers in their hands.


"Oh, hey there you guys."

From Deku telling them this, the Uraraka and Iida then kneeled down and started helping him pick up the flyers.


"Midoriya, what happened here?"


"And is that a scratch mark on your face?"


"Well about that..."

Not really wanting to tell them of what happened a few minutes ago, Deku just tell them a lie instead.


"I tripped and fell."


"Oh Deku. Are you okay at least?"


"Yeah I'm fine. Anyways were you guys able to hand out any flyers today."


"A couple but a lot of people just walked past and ignored us."


"Yeah same here. Some even took the paper and just threw it in the trash."


"How could people be so rude to someone who is desperately looking for for their dear pet."


"It's okay Iida, the flyers aren't really that much of a big deal."


"Yes you are correct. But it is the only way for you to find your cat after all."


"Yeah I know."

Deku says this with a bit of sadness in his voice as he then looks down at one of the flyers and stares at the picture of Toga. While he was doing this, a hand within placed on his right shoulder. Feeling this you looked up and Uraraka who's the one to have her hand on his shoulder.


"We will find her, Deku."

Hearing Uraraka tell him this, made Deku feel happy as he then smiled at her.


"Yeah we will, Uraraka. All we have to do is keep on searching and handing out these flyers."


"That's the spirit now come on let's hurry and pick up all these flyers so we can pass them out."



So with that said, Deku, Uraraka, and Iida continued picking up the flyers. A short minute later after picking up the flyers they begin passing them out throughout the park well also putting them up on trees and lampposts. Eventually after a few hours, they have finished passing out the flyers and hanging them up. With this done they decided to head to a nearby cafe. While they were at the cafe with warm drinks in front of them, Uraraka and Iida notice that Deku was completely focused on his phone as he just stared at it.


"Uh Midoriya?"

Deku doesn't respond from hearing his last name, instead here means focus staring at his phone. With seeing this, Uraraka went ahead and placed her onto his shoulder where chillin chicken making him lose his focus as he then noticed that Uraraka and Iida were looking over at him.

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