Keeping Toga

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As Deku was sound asleep in his bed, the sound of an alarm suddenly went off. Opening his eyes he reaches over his bedside drawer where he grabs his phone and turns off the alarm. After doing so if he puts down his phone on his bed and starts rubbing his eyes, yet while doing so, he's selling felt something rubbing against him, lifting up his blanket he sees Toga snuggling against him while still a cat. seeing her makes him smile as he then places his hand on her head and begin scratching the back of her ear. While doing this it started to wake her up, eventually when she opens her eyes she was welcomed by the sight of Deku's smile.


"Did you sleep well?"

In response to his question, Toga just meows at him, which was enough for him to Baker's smile a bit more.


"Haha, so cute."

Right after saying that, Deku stop scratching the back of Toga's ear as he then got up from his bed and started walking over to the door which even grabbed all the doorknob and proceed to open it. Seeing Deku do so, Toga quickly jumped off of the bed and began and followed after him. From the two stepping out into the hallway and then made their way over to the dining room where they see Inko preparing breakfast. As Inko looked over at the doorway she saw her son walking in along with his little cat that was walking beside his legs.


"Good morning sweetie."


"Morning Mom."

With that said, Deku went over to the table and sat down. From doing so, Toga then jumped onto his lap. While they seated, Inko came over and placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of Izuku, which also catches the attention of Toga as she picks her head up and looks at the plate.


"Thanks mom."


"You're welcome Izuku."

As Inko then sat down at the table and placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of her, she then looked over it Izuku who was about to dig right into his breakfast.



Hearing his mom say his name, Izuku shifted his focus away from his breakfast and over towards mom.


"Yeah mom?"


"Do you remember we were supposed to talk about that cat when I got home yesterday?"


"Yeah I remember."

Saying that began to worry Deku of what his mom would say about the cat and what they should do with her.


"Well I know we weren't able talk about it due to me coming home so late. But when I did come home, I went to your room and saw you and the cat sound asleep together. And it reminded me of when you were little and how you always begged me To get you a pet."


"Yeah I remember that. You always told me that I didn't have the responsibility to take care of a pet. Ha, you even said it I couldn't even take care of a goldfish."


"Yes I did say that. And the reason why was because you were still so little. But now that you've grown up, you have gained responsibility. So I have made the decision to allow you to keep the cat.

From his mom saying that, Deku's eyes widened as he couldn't believe what she just said.


"Really mom?"


"Yes Izuku, you can keep the cat."

With hearing those words, Deku smile that is Mom as he was in filled with joy.


"Thank you Mom. I promise to take good care of her."


"Well good. Then I suggest you should feed her before she finishes your breakfast."



Looking down at his plate, he sees that is two pieces of bacon are gone and that Toga is now eating half of his egg. From seeing that, Deku reached down and grab hold of Toga and picked her up. Yet as he did so Toga held on to the egg in her mouth. seeing that, Deku knew that it was way too late for him to save his breakfast. So he looked over at his mom.


"Hey mom, do you think you can make me another breakfast?"


"Haha, of course sweetie."

Right after breakfast, Deku walked back to his room while Toga followed behind. With the two going back inside the room, Toga hopped back onto the bed and sat down actually then looked at Deku who suddenly lifted his shirt, revealing his ripped body. From seeing that, Toga's widened as she was not expecting to see something like that, especially from Deku.

~Toga's mind~

"Oh my gosh, how could Izuku have such a cute and innocent face and have a totally hot body like that!"

Once he took his shirt off, Deku moved his hands down to a short which Toga then looked on with anticipation. But before you could pull his shorts down, Deku suddenly had the feeling of someone staring at him. Looking over at his bed he sees that Toga it's just looking at him as he changes out of his clothes which for some reason made him a little bit uncomfortable. So, going over to Toga he picks her up and takes her right over toward the door which he then opens and places Toga on the floor of the hallway. After that he shuts the door, leaving Toga in the hallway so he could finish changing. From this happening, Toga face the door and begin scratching at it.

~Toga's mind~

Aww come on. Right when it was about to get good."

Minutes later, Deku came out of his room wearing his school uniform and backpack on. As he went over to the front door he then placed his shoes on. Right after doing so he then turns away from the door and kneels down where he then picks up Toga and hugs her.


"I'll see you when I get back. be good."

While being held in his warm embrace, Toga felt completely calm with him which caused her to rest her head against his chest.


"Leaving already?"

Hearing Inko say that, Deku looked up and smiled at his mom.


"Yeah I am."


"Then you better get going before you miss your train."


"Okay will."

So with that said, Deku placed Toga right back down on the floor, letting him stand right back up and turn towards the door which he then opens and steps out. Minutes after Deku left, Inko too then left to head to work. so with Deku and Inko now gone, Toga was now left on her own. So with no one else around, Toga suddenly changed back to her original form.


"Well I guess I'll make myself comfortable here while I have the time. But first I think I should put something on.

~To be continued~

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