Time To Go

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Hours after Uraraka left, Inko arrived home and was surprised to see Deku home already. As Inko wondered this, Deku went ahead and explained to her what happened during school and why he was home. After telling her his explanation, Deku prepared himself to hear a lecture from her. But instead he saw a smile on his mom's face. From not expecting that reaction from her, he did not know what to say. So he still there, while his mom approached him and gave him a big hug, along with hearing her say that she was proud of him for telling her the truth and being responsible for Toga's actions. With hearing this, Deku smiles not only from his mom's hug but from Uraraka's words that he remembered. So he hugged her back and thanked her for being understanding. As Deku and Inko were embracing one another near the front door, Toga was peeking through the doorway at the end of the hallway. Minutes later, Deku was helping his mom prepare dinner in the kitchen. Yet while doing so he noticed that Toga wasn't around which was strange since she always tries to grab Deku's attention even when he was doing something important. So he excused himself to go look for her. He first looked for her in the living room by checking under the coffee table and the couch, even checking in between the patients. But she was not there so Deku went into the hallway and saw his bedroom door cracked open, with seeing is he also noticed Toga's tail heading into his room. So he makes his way over to his bedroom door where he proceeded to open it. With doing so he then stepped inside of his room where did not see Toga at all even though he just saw her tail entering the room. So he began calling out to her while looking around.


"Toga. Toga. Where you?"

Deku looked for Toga on his shelves and under his desk, but was still nowhere to be found. The only place he hasn't looked was under his bed. So as a kneeled down beside his bed, he then began to lower himself to look under his bed. But right when he was inches away from looking under his bed suddenly heard a meow. Hearing this, Deku quickly raised his head and looked on his bed where he then saw Toga sitting there, causing him to smile.


"There you are."

Saying this, Deku lifted himself up and sat on his bed where he then grabbed Toga and placed her on his lap where he begin petting her as she looked up at him.


"We really had a long day haven't we, Toga?"

Toga response to Deku with a single meow, which made him chuckle a bit.


"I'm so happy I found you. You really have made my life a whole lot better.

Saying this he smiled at Toga and continued petting her. Yet while doing so, Deku suddenly hurt his mom call out to him.


"Izuku! I need your help at the moment!"


"Coming mom!"

With that said, Deku then took Toga off of his lap and placed her back onto the bed as he then got up and gave Toga one more pat on the head.


"I'll be back, Toga."

After saying this, Deku then proceeded to leave the room to head over to the kitchen to help his mom. But ones he was gone, Toga then then let out a breath of relief.

~Toga's mind~

"That was a close one. He almost found my clothes and knives."

As Toga said this in her head, hopped off the bed where she then crawled halfways under the bed and bit down onto her clothes which she she then began pulling out. Eventually after pulling out her clothes and knives from under the bed she sat down and stared at them. Minutes later, Deku arrived back in his room and saw Toga curled up in bed. See that he goes over to her and gently scratches the top of her head, causing her to open her eyes and look up at Deku.


"Come on Toga. It's dinner time."

So Deku picked Toga and held against his shoulder where he then began walking over to the door. Yet while looking over his shoulder, Toga glanced down towards the bottom of the bed where she slid her clothes and knives back underneath. Hours later after dinner, Deku was in his room sitting at his desk where he was doing the homework that Uraraka brought over. While also doing homework, he was petting Toga who was curled up and sleeping on his lap. Eventually after a short while, Deku finished his homework, where he then picked up Toga and held her in his arms as he then got up from his chair and went over to his bed where he then placed Toga down next to his pillow. Afterwards he too got on to the bed and and grab the blanket which he then proceeded put on himself as he then laid his head on the pillow, where he then looked at Toga and smiled at her.


"Goodnight Toga. I'll see you in the morning."

With saying this he eventually closed his eyes and fell asleep. Minutes later Deku was deeply sleeping, allowing Toga to finally get up and hop off the bed where she then turned to her true self but leaving her cat ears and tail still on her body. From doing so, Toga was on her knees by the side of the bed where she had her arms crossed on top of the bed while resting her her head on her arms where she also looked at Deku as he slept. While looking at him, Toga couldn't help but to feel sad. So while he was sleeping, Toga went ahead and begin talking to Deku.


"Izuku, I'm happy too that you found me. Since then you gave me everything I've ever wanted. But deep down I knew that this couldn't last forever. If I can stay a cat forever then I would, but my quirk won't allow it since I have to change back whether I like it or not. So what I'm saying is thank you for taking care of me up to now. And I hope you can find yourself a real cat that you can give the same love you gave me."

Telling Deku kind words as he slept. Toga then extended her left hand and cups his right cheek which was the very first time she's touched him with her actual hand.


"Goodbye, Izuku."

Suddenly right after seeing these words, she then heard Deku speak in his sleep.



With hearing Deku say her name, Toga felt her heart sink deep in her chest. Feeling this she quickly took her hand off of Deku's cheek as she then made her ears and tail disappear while also reaching under the bed and pulled out her clothes and knives, where she got up and began changing into her clothes and equipping herself with the knives. After now being back in her old clothes, Toga went over towards Deku and leaned down towards him, wish you then placed a kiss on his cheek


"Thank you again, Izuku."

With saying these last words to Deku, Toga leaned away from him and proceeded to walk over to the door where she didn't opened and begin walking out into the hallway and heading over to the front door. After unlocking the front door and about to open it, Toga then notices Deku's light blue jacket hanging on the hook by the door. From seeing that she decides to take it off the hook and put it on herself, not only to hide her face but to have something to remember her time with Deku. Opening the door she steps out of the apartment and shut the door on her way out, where she then begins to leave.

~To be continued~

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