Tagging Along

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As Deku opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm, he saw Toga curled up and sleeping beside him. Seeing her, Deku smiled has he then moved his right hand over to where he then began to begin to pet her on her head. With Deku doing this it awake Toga making her open her eyes to see Deku's welcome and smile.


"Good morning Toga."

After saying that, Deku stopped petting Toga on her head as he then reached over to his bedside drawer will you grab this phone and turned off his alarm. Once that was done he proceeded to get up from his bed to start his day. Minutes later after having breakfast with his mom, Izuku return to his room where he then began to change out of his close. But yet as he was taking off his shirt, he had the sudden feeling of being stared. So as he proceeded to take off his shirt, he then tossed it right behind him where it then lands on top of his bookshelf, causing something to fall off the bookshelf while wrapped in the shirt. But before it could hit the ground, Deku swooped in and caught it in his arms. Using his left hand he begins to unravel his shirt where he then sees Toga wrapped up as she looked at him at least smiled at her while nodding his head left and right.


"(Sigh) Toga, I've told you so many times not to follow me in when I'm going to change."

After telling Toga that, Deku pulled her out of his shirt where he he then carried her right over to the door, which event cracks open and puts Toga down in the hallway. From doing so he then shuts the door leaving, Toga sit right in front of the door where she pouted a bit from being caught once again.

~Toga's mind~

"This has to be the fifth time he's caught me. How does he know where I'm always at?"

While Toga stayed sitting in front of the door, Deku's yellow backpack caught Toga's eye which even deviously smiled at. Minutes later, Deku stepped out of his room fully dressed in his school uniform. Yet as Deku stepped out he noticed that Toga wasn't sitting in front of his door waiting for him as she usually does. From things he then begins to call out her name.


"Toga! Come here girl! Toga!"

From Deku doing this, it grabbed the attention of his mom who then walked into the hallway.


"Is something wrong sweetie?"

Hearing his mom say this he looks over at her. Hoping that she might know where Toga is.


"Hey mom, did you see Toga in the kitchen or living room by any chance?"


"No I don't think I have. Why do you ask?"


"Well usually she waits for me in front of my door after I finish changing, but she's not here."

Seeing Deku look a little worried, Inko goes over to him to reassure him.


"She could be anywhere in the house in the house now, after all she's very small."


"That is true."


"Besides you shouldn't worry so much over her. She's a well-behaved kitten and can take quite good care of herself when we're not around. So the only thing you should be getting worried about is getting to school, now hurry to the train station before you miss your train."


"O-okay mom."

With that said, Deku went over to the door where he then grabbed his backpack and placed it onto his back. Afterwards he put on his shoes and went over to the door where he then placed his left hand onto the doorknob. But while having his hand on the door now he looks back at his mom wouldn't smiles and waves at him.


"Have a good day at school sweetie."


"I-I will."

After saying that, Deku sadly looked away as they did not get to say goodbye to Toga. I'm doing so he opens the door and proceeds to step out. Well on his way to the train station, Deku couldn't help but to think that Toga could be mad at him for putting her in the hallway again. But yet while walking to train station, he did not know that the large pouch up his backpack was slightly zipped open, a little yellow cat eye peeking out.


As Deku still had a sad expression on his face as he walked through the gates of UA, he had no clue that Toga within his backpack peeking out from the slightly opened zipper of his backpack. While she picked out she saw many other different students walking through the gates which she was not able to see due to only seeing what was coming from behind him. So not really seeing much, Toga looked away from the open zipper as she then try to make herself comfortable inside the backpack.

~Toga's mind~

"Tagging along might have been somewhat of a bad idea, but then again this gives me a perfect chance to see what Izuku's school is like. A matter of fact, what school does Izuku attend?"

With saying this, Toga did not know that she has just entered the number one hero school of Japan.

~Toga's mind~

"Well I'll find out soon enough. But it's best that I stay low. Good thing I had the idea to bring some snacks along.

Saying that, Toga looks beside her where there is a bag of chips and juice box right next to her. But while looking at the snacks she brought along, Toga suddenly heard a girl's voice.



Hearing this unknown voice, Toga quickly peeked out from the open zipper and saw a girl with brown hair and pink rosy cheeks.

~Toga's mind~

"Is she one of Izuku's friends?"


"Hey what's the matter Deku? You seem kind of down."


"Oh it's nothing."


"Are you sure?"


"Positive. Now let's hurry to class before the bell rings. The last thing you want is to hear one of Iida's lectures."


"Hehe, you got a point there. So let's go!"



So with that said, Deku and Uraraka begin running straight into the school of UA. Still unbeknownst that Toga was in his backpack.

~To be continued~

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