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As Uraraka was inside of Deku's house she sat on the couch of the living room, while Deku was getting her a drink. Yet while she was sitting on the couch, Toga was lying down on the face end of the couch where she stared at Uraraka with suspicion as she wondered what exactly is her intentions with Deku.

~Toga's mind~

"Ochako Uraraka. She looks like a nice girl and is quite cute, the what exactly does she want with my Izuku."

While Toga stared at her, Uraraka suddenly looked over towards Toga, who she then smiled at. As Uraraka did this, Deku soon arrived over at the couch where he held a glass of water in front of Uraraka.


"Here you go Uraraka."

With seeing the glass water in front of her face, Uraraka the glass from Deku's hand, where she then looks up at him and smiles.


"Thank you, Deku."


"You're welcome."

After saying this, Deku then sat on the couch next to Uraraka. From seeing him do this, Toga quickly made her way from the end of the couch, all the way to Deku's lap and laid there, which made him look down at her as he then placed his right hand on her back and began petting her. Yet while laying on his lap, Toga still kept her sights on Uraraka.


"So, how did you know where I lived?"

With saying this Deku looked back over at Uraraka who who then took a sip of her water as she then placed it down onto the table.

~Toga's mind~

"She probably followed him home one day and found out where he lived? Like some sort of stalker."


"Well Mr. Aizawa gave me a small piece of paper with your address on it."


"Oh I see. So did I miss anything after I left school?"


"Well since you mentioned it, some of the others in class were talking about your cat and how she gave them a good run through the hallways."




"Yeah, Mina even asked me if you could bring a cat back to school one day?"


"Haha, well I don't think I'll be able to since all that's happened."


"Yeah I was thinking the same.


"But I would like to properly introduce the others to Toga someday."


"That sounds, but I don't think introduce your cat to Bakugou."


"Oh yeah, I heard that Toga here tripped kacchan. He must have been very angry about that?"


"Yeah he was really mad, even during class he was still mad."


"Then I guess it's best to stay clear away from him, at least until he calms down."

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