Thank You, Izuku

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Once Deku arrived back home with Toga in his arms he began removing his shoes, yet as he did so his Mom walked out from the living room and saw that he has come back.


"Izuku, you're back. Did you forget something."

While Deku's back was turned while removing his shoes, he was a bit hesitant to turn around and so the reason why he came back minutes after leaving.


"Well something sort of came up."


"Like what?"



Saying this, Deku turned around and shows the cat that he is holding in his arms. With Izuku smiling quite nervously, his mom being walking over to him. When she was in front of him she placed her hands on her head and looked at Izuku with a serious expression on her face.


"Izuku, can you tell me whose cat is that?"


"Well she's a stray."


"A stray huh? So you decided pick up a stray and bring it back home while you were on your way to the train station to go to school. Am I correct?"


"That is exactly what happened. But-"

Before Deku could say anything further on his mom then lets out a sigh.


"(Sigh) Izuku. This is just like when you were six and found that puppy and brought it home."


"Yeah but this is different."


"How so?"


"Well that puppy had an order. But little cat doesn't."


"And how are you so sure?"


"Because she was all alone when I found her. And just by looking at her I can tell that she's been alone for quite a long time now. So I just couldn't bring myself to leave her there."

With hearing Deku say all of this, Toga looked up at him and was moved from his kindness.

~Toga's mind~

"Izuku. He really is a kind person."


Also her leg is cut too."


"Oh the poor dear. Let me see."

As Inko leaned closer to Toga, she saw the cut her and group a bit concerned. Leaning away she then looked back at Deku.


"Okay Izuku, I'll take this little cat of yours to the vet on my way to work. But once you're out of school you'll have to be the one to pick it up and bring it back home."

As his mom said this, Deku smiled at her knowing that she wants to help this cat as well.


"But that does not mean that this conversation is over. Once I get home we're going to talk about what you should do with this cat. Understood?"

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