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Right after everything that happens, Deku was inside of the principal's office with Toga and she was curled up inside of his jacket. While Deku was being lectured by principal Nezu and All Might, his classmates were all standing outside where some of them had their ears pressed up against the door to the principal's office to listen in to the conversation. While some of them did that, a few of the others began wondering what was going to happen to Deku.


"So do you guys think Midoriya is going to be all right?"


"I truly do not know? All we can do is just wait for Midoriya to step out of the principal's office and see the outcome."


"I hope Deku will be all right."

Meanwhile inside the principal's office, Nezu and All Might giving Deku his lecture but were not done talking to him just yet.


"So Mr. Midoriya what do you have to say for yourself about your cat's actions?"


"I'm sorry. I don't know how she's even here? So I hope you can forgive my cat's actions."

Deku says this as he bows his head. Seeing him doing this, Nezu and All Might then look at one another for a short while until eventually looking back at Deku.


"I accept the apology."

With hearing this, Deku raises his head and looks back over at Nezu and All Might.


"But still that cat cannot stay here. So I'll be calling your mother so she could come to the school and pick up your cat."

With the mention of his mom, Izuku immediately grew worried.


"Please don't call her!"


"Oh, and why shouldn't I?"


"Because if you do, then she would think that I am irresponsible take care of Toga, and would probably take her away."

Hearing the worry tone in Izuku's voice, Nezu and All Might come to a silent agreement after glancing at one another.


"All right, I will not call your mother. But there comes another matter. Who exactly is going to take your cat back home?"

As Nezu brought this up, Izuku look down into his jacket and saw Toga curled up well snuggling against him.


"I will. I'll take her back myself."

~All Might~

"Are you sure that's what you want to do, Midoriya?"


"Yes. Toga is my responsibility, and I will take her home myself. If that is fine with you principal Nexu?"


"Hmm, since you are wishing to be responsible, I will allow you to leave school early to take your dear cat home."


"Thank you."


"You are welcome Mr. Midoriya. But next time if that cat is on school campus again then I will have no choice but to call your mother. Do you understand?"

Bad Little KittyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ