☆゚011. Heartbreaking

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━━━A SIX YEAR OLD RAYNA AMERY was seated on a blanket in the daylight, in the backyard, a gentle breeze hitting her porcelain skin, her honey blonde hair swaying gently.

the shadow of a tall figure walked towards the little six year old, who was by her self, the person then took a closer step towards her.

Rayna then felt like something was nearby, then girl then turning around, her blue greenish eyes looking up at the woman that she was unfamiliar with.

"Hello there, little girl." Kate smirks, looking down at her.

"Is this the part where i scream STRANGER DANGER? because–––my dad can feel by the rising of my heart that i'm in danger and he won't spare you." Rayna sassed.

Kate smirks down at her, finding her attitude similar to her father's. "I know your father, little one, we went to school together."

"So did a lot of people, what's your point?" Rayna questions, raising a brow at her.

"Oh, you're just a little bitch, aren't you? I like you, but–––you obviously got that from your mother."

"Don't talk about her, just don't." Rayna sighs out deeply.


Chace Amery had stood nearby his daughter, him looking right at Kate Argent.

Rayna then looks in between both her father and Kate, her softly gasping out, placing a palm over her mouth. "Oh! Dad! Is this the bitch you had a relationship with?"

"Rayna! Oh my god!" Chace exclaims, widening his eyes at her. "Where did you even–––you know, what? Go back into the house." Chace sighs out, staring at her with frustration and impatience.

Rayna shrugs, her without hesitation, listening to him.

Kate looks at the honey blonde girl, then looked at Chace with a smirk. "Obedient."

"Why are you stalking me, Kate?" Chace tiredly asks.

Kate smirks. "Why aren't you?"


━━━THE NEXT MORNING, INSIDE THE STILINSKI'S RESIDENCE, STILES laid asleep on his bed, when Rayna had walked inside, her looking at Stiles who was still asleep, her smiling mischievously at her boyfriend.

Stiles seemed to be sleeping so soundly, until he felt a gentle blow entering in his ear, him sleepily covering his ear, groaning lightly.

"Stiles? Are you are awake?" Rayna whispers, looking down at him.

Stiles hums. "No."

Rayna sarcastically smiles. "Well, when Stiles gets up, can you tell him not to suck at today's game?"

Stiles flutters his eyes opened, him giving her a drowsy smile. "I will."

Rayna rolls her eyes playfully, giving him a smile that always seemed to melt his heart.


━━━"WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE?" Freya confusingly looks at her father, as he had pulled up nearby a tunnel.

"Just–––just stay here, okay?" Chace softly says, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"But, if you take less than a hour, i'm not staying." Freya stubbornly says.

☆゚TORN BETWEEN TWO LOVERSWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu