☆゚006. I Remember

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━━━HOURS earlier, outside the Beacon Hills High School, Chace Amery had seen his daughter coming out of a black car that was driven by Scott McCall.

A firey storm danced in his green eyes, his eyes turning icy cold as he stared at the brunette.

"Dad, before you say anything-." Rayna tried to say, but got cut off.

"Go in the car, we'll talk about this when we get home." Chace calmly says.

"Just-." Rayna tried to say again.

That's when he saw the Alpha standing right behind Rayna.

"Rayna, go, now." Chace sharply says, his green eyes glancing at the Alpha, then back at his daughter.

Rayna seeing him looking at something behind her caused her to frown, turning around.

"Rayna." Chace says, but his voice didn't seen to reach her.

All she could concentrate on, was what she assumed would be a Mountain Lion, glowed its bright red eyes at her, ferociously growling at her.

The girl just stood frozen in the spot, staring right at the creature.


━━━AT THE AMERY'S residence, Rayna was seen standing in the centre of her room with her father.

Rayna gasped at him, as he took her phone away from her, her technology device slipping away from her fingers.

"That's so unfair! You can't do that." Rayna complained.

"Oh, yes, i can." Chace raised an eyebrow at her.

"And, whilst we're talking about the topic of 'fairness', i think you'll be satisfied with staying in your room for two weeks, yes?" Chace smirked.

Rayna gaped at him, as if he said the most evil thing ever.

"Two weeks!?" Rayna asked in shock.

"I could up it to two months, you know?"

Rayna then awkwardly smiled. "No, no, no, two weeks is good."


━━━AT THE GARAGE parking lot of the grocery, Scott was lying on his back, grunting and breathing out, staring at Derek, who was smirking at him.

"Oh, god, what the hell was that?"  Scott grunted, then standing up.

"I said, i was going to teach you, i didn't say when." Derek states.

"Okay, um, uh, b-but the car alarm was smart, right?" Scott stammered out.

"Was...until you got distracted, by your phone..." Derek says, glancing at the phone in Scott's hand.

"Was it Rayna?" Derek asked, even though he knew the answer.

Scott scoffed, quickly replying. "Wh-what makes you think it was her?"

Derek rolled his eyes, giving him a look. "Everything about you, is her."

Scott then sighed out. "You said you'd help me, help me control it, and i'll stay away from her."

Derek then hummed, snatching Scott's phone away from his hands, throwing it roughly on the ground, which caused it to shatter in broken pieces.

Scott suddenly grew angry at this and Derek smirked.

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