☆゚002. Nightmares

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━━━HONEY BLONDE colored hair was seen sprung forward, Rayna Amery's body jolting forward, breathlessly gasping out, heart racing at high speed, beads of sweat formed on her forehead, look of fear in her eyes.

Rayna's eyes glances around her room, her expecting to see her father around, but he wasn't around, the last she remembered before going to sleep was her hand in his.

Rayna had confusion dancing in her eyes, wondering where he could be.

Rayna then saw spots of blood leaving a trail in her room, her then seeing her father heavily breathing out, looking at her from the corner.

"Dad?" Rayna softly whispers.

Rayna then saw scratches on her father's arm, his shirt slightly torn.

Chace sighs out, an assuring look on his face. "It's okay..."

Rayna then looks at her hands, her seeing a freshly made dagger in her hand, her then throwing it aside, gasping out in horror.


━━━DANTE LOPEZ raised a dark brow at Rayna Amery as they stood by his locker, her telling him about the terrible dreams she has been having.

"...so, you killed him and Isaac?" Dante had a perplexed look on his face.

"Yeah..." Rayna sighs out.

"But, why me? Why didn't you tell Scott or Isaac?" Dante confusingly asks.

"Because, i never dreamt of having your blood on my hands." Rayna says in an obvious tone.

Dante frowns, strangely staring at her. "Thanks...i guess?"

"But, uh, shouldn't you be talking to someone–––special?" Dante asks.

Rayna smiles. "We're friends, and you're special to me."

"Sweet, but, i mean, like a school psychologist." Dante hints.

Rayna shook her head. "Nope, i don't think so."


━━━OUTSIDE THE high school, Stiles Stilinski was talking with Allison Argent about coyote Malia Tate.

"It's right in the middle of the hiking trail." Stiles informs.

"Well, that narrows it down, coyotes travel in a fixed trail, but, i think you're right about not going back to her den, coyotes don't like wolves, and they're really smart, and if they don't wanna be heard, they walk on their toes." Allison states.

Stiles frowns. "Coyotes top toe?"

Allison sighs out, rolling her eyes in frustration. "Yes, they tip toe."

Stiles then scoffs. "Well, if Malia was really smart then, how come she got herself shot by Rayna?"

Allison shook her head in confusion. "Hold on a second, wait...what did you just say? Rayna shot her?"

Stiles then showed her Rayna's bloody arrow that was wrapped in a red cloth, seeing as he couldn't hold it.

"Yeah...this blood? It's all Malia's." Stiles states.

"I-i don't what's been going on with her, i mean, looking at the way how she shot her, it's like she wanted her dead..." Stiles sighs out.

"Explains the nightmares." Allison mumbles.

☆゚TORN BETWEEN TWO LOVERSWhere stories live. Discover now