☆゚005. Skipping School

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━━━JACKSON'S SILVER PORSCHE was seen parked up in front of the DVD store, him in the front seat, whilst Lydia in the passenger seat.

The couple seems like they were having a disagreement, judging by Jackson's frustrated expression and Lydia's careless one.

"Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever, it's the best sports movie ever made." Jackson defensively argued.

"Rayna thinks volleyball is better." Lydia states.

Jackson then scoffed. "Yeah, well, that's her, besides...she isn't here."

"Lydia, come on, Hoosiers even got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper!" Jackson tried.

"Nope." Lydia stubbornly says.

"Lydia, i swear to God, you're gonna like it!" Jackson says in frustration.

"No." Lydia repeated.

"I am not watching the notebook again!" Jackson angrily argued.

Lydia then turned to look at Jackson, smirking at him.

Inside the DVD store, Jackson reluctantly walked inside, calling out to anyone, but got no answer.

Instead, he was met by a worker drowning in his own pool of blood, his throat ripped out.

"Wha-." Jackson was saying.

Jackson then heard a growl from behind him, him slowly turning around, only to met by a pair of crimson blood red glowing eyes.

Outside in the car, Lydia had her mirror out, fixing her hair and her lipgloss, smiling at herself in the mirror.

But then, a black furry monstrous creature was seen jumping on the hood of the car, its eyes glowing a crimson red color.

The red head let out an ear-piercing scream, fear in her green eyes.

The Alpha, slowly walked towards the screaming and traumatized red head, but then found his self being thrown on the road.

The Alpha quickly getting up, growling, but then saw a huge Wolf, dark brown fur with the hint of golden streaks.

Its eyes glowing a bright golden color of the morning sun.

The Alpha's eyes blinked repeatedly, tilting its head at this new Wolf.


━━━THE NEXT DAY at the Beacon Hills High School, Allison Argent was standing by her locker, her going to open her locker, but then felt lips on her cheek.

Allison then quickly turned around only to be met by a happy looking blonde.

Rayna had a chain that had an arrow with the first letter of Allison's name in the middle dangling in her fingers.

"Happy birthday!" Rayna happily says.

"Oh, Th-thanks." Allison says gratefully, her eyes frantically looking to see if anyone sees.

"I know how much you used to enjoy archery, so..." Rayna sweetly smiled.

Allison felt the chain encircling around her neck, smiling at her best friend, who had a contagious smile on her face.

"It's beautiful." Allison smiled.

"Obviously, it came from me." Rayna smiled confidently.

Allison then softly laughed, as she saw her walking away.

☆゚TORN BETWEEN TWO LOVERSWhere stories live. Discover now