☆゚011. Forever Yours

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━━━FOUR HOURS EARLIER, at the Hale cellar, a confused and teared up Allison Argent was with her devious aunt Kate Argent, an irritated Derek Hale chained up in front of them.

"Wh-when were they going to tell me?" Allison tearfully asked.

"They still haven't decided whether or not they should tell you..." Kate trailed off.

"Why?" Allison frowned.

"Let's just say...if you react badly when you find out...not good." Kate lied.

Allison believing her lies, questioned her once again. "What do you mean, 'not good'?"

"They look at you and they see a frightened little girl, they don't think you can handle it, they see you as someone who's going to run crying in a corner, but, me? What i see? Natural talent." Kate smirked.

"Does Rayna know?" Allison asked.

"Her dad thinks she doesn't need to know, he doesn't planning on giving her an insight of the make-believe world she lives in, very ridiculous if you ask me." Kate sighed out, rolling her eyes.

"What do i do now?" Allison then asked.

"Well, you're gonna go do what a normal teen does, do your homework, go to school, go to the Friday night formal, then..."

"Then?" Allison asked confused.

"Then you're gonna help me catch some Betas." Kate smirked.


━━━WALKING down the school halls was Scott and Stiles talking about the formal, that's going to happen tonight.

"What do you mean, you can't go?"

"Coach won't let me."

"Why not?" Stiles asked confused.

"He's something about me academically failing." Scott sighed out.

"Yeah...you're pretty bad at that..." Stiles bluntly says.

Scott then sighed out, giving him a glare. "Can you just do it?"


━━━AFTER SCHOOL was over, Stiles had caught up to Rayna, who was in the parking lot near her car.

"Hi." Rayna smiled at him.

Stiles found his self smiling back at the blonde, a little feeling of envy crept up in his heart, envious that someone else gets to witness her smile, someone else she smiles for.

He quickly then shrugged off that feeling of envy.

"So, um, i was just wondering...if you'd like to go to the dance with me?"

"With you?"

"Yeah, with me." He violently nodded.

"Um, uh, well, i don't-." Rayna was saying.

"Worried about Scott? You don't have to be, infact...he was to one that told me to take you, he has some...thing to do."

"He told you to ask me?" Rayna frowned.

"Oh, no, no, don't feel bad, even if he wanted to, he couldn't."

"Oh, um, well, if you want to go with me, you're wearing blue." She then smiled.

☆゚TORN BETWEEN TWO LOVERSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ