A Little Town

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Sparley stats
Health 165000
Strength 45000
Speed 50000
Equip: Darksteel sword and armor

Flavo stats
Health 139000
Strength 47000
Speed 84000
Equip: Bloodsteel sword and armor

Garb stats
Health 95000
Strength 22000
Speed 65000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

Sasha stats
Health 110000
Strength 45000
Speed 80000
Equip: Rubium sword and armor

I fell asleep once we were back at the base with the plebian cauldron. I slept all the way into the next day since that weight exhausted me. As I woke up, i looked outside and saw a group of 4 people walking towards the base, all of them were in a mix of iron and bronze gear. 2 were boys and 2 were girls. Behind them, some sword troops and archer troops followed.

I cautiously pulled out my sword and walked outside. They waved like they knew me, and I stood confused. I was not ready to meet new people right now. One of the girls spoke.

???: Hi there. Are you Sparley?

I slightly jumped, surprised strangers actually knew my name.

Sparley: Yyeaaahh?

???: Oh good, we were wondering if we could hang with you guys for... a long time!

The girl wore a big smile as the three other people gave awkward waves.

???: Also, the names Rachel!

Sparley: Umm, one second, I need to discuss this.

I mumbled the last few words and went to the couches where Flavo was sleeping. Garb was for some reason sleeping on the table and Sasha was sleeping in her room. I repeatedly nudged Flavos shoulder as I watched the 4 people outside looking as patient as ever.

Flavo woke up with a groan as his eyelids slowly came up.

Flavo: Sparley... what is i...t?

I grabbed Flavos arm and helped him up.

Sparley: Uh there are people at the door who want to... live with us? Or something that is them living next to us... I don't know.

Flavo glanced out at the people waiting, and then he and I continued waking up Garb and Sasha. Once they woke up, Flavo said what I said but making more sense.

Garb: Sure, why not? Besides, we need help around here. There may be troops, who build stuff for us, but I like a little company.

Sasha: No, we don't even know who they are. Tell them to forget it.

Flavo: Wellll we can know more about them if we let them hang.

Everyone was convinced except Sasha, who trotted to her room and slammed her door. We heard her mumbled voice through the wall.

Sasha: Just don't let them in my room!

I awkwardly opened the door, with the 4 people having the exact same expressions as 5 minutes ago.

Sparley: Sure, but we prefer if you guys create like a house near our base since this fortress is crowded enough with all the troops running around.

Rachel: Sweet! Also this is Baxter, this is Emily, and this is my boyfriend Ethan!

Baxter gave a slight wave, Emily gave a thumbs up, and Ethan also waved. I nodded as they started walking to the side of the fortress, probably starting on their base.

An hour later, Flavo had created a designated room for the funky cauldron, and he wanted me to see it. The room was stone basic, except the plebian cauldron at the left corner, with 3 other spots left for what I guessed was other cauldrons.

Flavo: So this is the plebian cauldron, part of many other cauldrons! Here let me show you how it works.

He led me to the cauldron, which when he interacted with it, it started flowing with orange water that was bubbling. A menu popped up above the cauldron, displaying an orange name tag, saying, "Plebian cauldron" Below the name tag, there were two bars, one said "Unlock them all," the other said "base them up."

I was already intrigued by what Flavo was gonna tell me about the cauldron.

Flavo: You ever heard of spirit essence?

I turned to him.

Sparley: No, why?

Flavo: Spirit essence is the main currency used in the funky cauldron. It uses it for us to get stronger from hundreds of upgrades! We get spirit essence by a 0.5% chance from enemies. Depending on the biome is the type of spirit essence. Pretty cool, right?

I looked at the first upgrade, showing its ID as 0.


Unlock them all: Costs 1 grassland spirit essence and scales by 100% every upgrade.
Unlocks an upgrade in the funky cauldron. Starting at 1, and going down all the way to 44, in which you will need a new cauldron to get a new unlock upgrade.
At 9th upgrade, will cost desert spirit essence.
At 18th upgrade, will cost undead spirit essence.
At 28th upgrade, will cost savana spirit essence.


Sparley: Oh wow, so it's like unlimited unique upgrades that boost everything in the game-I mean world!

Flavo reached and grabbed something from his pockets. As he retreated it, he held it out to me. It was a green misty piece of essence, with green misty particles covering it. I gazed at it for a long time before Flavo put it into the plebian cauldron, and a few seconds later, another upgrade popped up below the "Base them up" upgrade.

"Meters for more meters"

Sparley: Okay, I'm invested, but how do we get that much grassland spirit essence?

Flavo smirked as he patted me on the shoulder.

Flavo: We just need some drop rate. Follow me, we are checking the monster farm chests to see if we got some grassland spirit essence.

Flavo and I walked over to the monster farm and opened the chests. Multiple essences of grassland spirit were in the chests.

Flavo: Oh frick, not enough, we need more. I'm gonna go expand this monster farm. If you want to join, then cool.

Flavo pulled out some wood, stone, and box bux for spawner troops. I took lots of speed, health, and strength crystals and consumed them all, improving my stat gain.

Sparley: Flavo, you should use some of these stat crystals!

Flavo grabbed a chunk of stat crystals and threw them on the ground, their energy going inside of him as he continued building. He set up a ladder and climbed on top of the farm. I followed him, steadily climbing up the ladder. I tapped on his shoulder.

Sparley: I want to help, just tell me what to do.

Note: If you want to know more about the funky cauldron, or other things in the Static Champions world, check out the Static Champions Encyclopedia, it's pretty neat and it will show all that is static.

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